Suidce Note

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Sophie had just finshed writing her suidce noted she couldn't take this world anymore after miscarriage she completely lost happiness life sge had miscarriage for reason and reason that was useless on this planet hort could do so much better no desire to be with someone like her. She couldn't even keep their child alive she killed it with stupid anerixicia when she found out she was pregnant. She stopped but was 6 week by and she found out, so she must put poor thing through hell. That were she be going she was a horrible person they world was better off without her.


Dear Hort I can't do this anymore. I wake up every day and hate myself to do what do to you. This is all my fault for the miscarriage and everything you desire better so one who can give you a child and not be selfish. I was never meant for love. And you are a perfect man you find someone else. Please don't come find me just calk Agatha for me. This is for best. I have to do this so sorry but to kill myself because this is why I have to take my own life to help you life your life to fullest.

Sophie then walked over the bathroom and got the sharp glass and slammed it into her wrist  as many times until he fell back and waited until her life end. Blood dried onto the floor from both her wrists. It dark red blood.

Hort had made his way home he called for sophie but got no reply. He made his way to their bedroom to see note he started to read it and threw it down, rushing into bathroom. "NO NO NO MY love. He said puck up check wad btea5h she had slight breath so she was alive he then reach phone call for help. He then got some plaster out cupboard banging her wrist up as best he could.

Sophie eyes open slowly to see Sophie holding her hand she look see her husband hort. Tears in his eyes. He then looks see Sophie. He stood up and kissed her cheek. "I thought I lost you. How could you do that to me thinking about leaving me here on my own?"" Hort i," she said triedly. " Shh, so sorry for that. I just wad so worried." Sophie had tears in her eyes, hort wiped them away. " I just thought it would be better that way." " Well, I just gonna have to stay with you at all times." Hort, but your writing and drawing, you love it." hort looked at her she been so low in life, but xan still cared more about me than her." I can still do that, sophi.

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