part 1

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Sophie was nervously sitting on the seat of the toliet wait three minutes until the test was finsh. She and her husband hort been married about year sge was only 21 she didn't want a baby. She didn't want to get fat and have stretch marks because people would think it ugly. Her skin will be ruined, and she is ugly, and no one will want her. Her boobs would get bigger they would sack, and she didn't want that. She them cheek time and her shakenly hand puck up test, almost dropping it. She then flipped it over, which reached her horror. She breathes heavily, tears falling from her eyes. "No, I can't be." Sophie knew hort wouldn't want this they were so young, only been married less than a year. They had a whole life ahead of them. But I also felt this fell of what if she that baby and got to call her own a child with her soulmate a mini version of her. She had get thought head was she fucking mad she couldn't possible have baby. .... could she. She then heard a knock at door. " are you ok you been their for over an 1 hour". " Yes darling be out minute". Shit what should age do she put pregancy test up sleave pulling it down so she hold onto it. She then opened the door. " why have  you been  crying my love". " I haven't I just have sore eye". He then look down at her notice was clenching her fist. " What are you hiding"." Nothing"." Well open your palm"."No". Hort the took her fragile hand that was shaking ever so slight. He rubbed it gently with his thumb. He tried to open her palm wich then drop the test. He look down picking it. " it not mine it Agat.." she was intreputed by hort. He then pulled her into hug her burying her head in his chest. "It be ok".

Few days later

Sophie wakes up to a wave of nausea. She sits up and pulls covet of her. She goes over to bathroom kneeling down throwing up. She then hears hort getting up royally beacuse woke him up. "Sophie"." I'm fine, Hort, just go back to sleep". She then heard the door unlock. She then felt him put his hand on her back rubbing it softly. She then felt sickness coming again. She then lend forward throwing up again hort pulling her hair back. She them sat back against the bathroom wall. Hort gets a tissue to wipe her face and throw it into the toilet.       " I'm so tired," Sophie said, yawning. Hort then grabbed her waist and backed off her leg, pulling her up and carrying her to the  bedroom so she could sleep.

hort and sophie Where stories live. Discover now