I've decided that we're friends

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"Does this effect the terms of the treaty?" San sat stiffly.

Jin smoked slowly. He looked at Namjoon before answering. "I don't know. Any time that we've had questions about the treaty, we've discussed it with the blonde Hwang. Our ancestors didn't cover everything."

Namjoon ran a hand over his tired face. "Ryujin is ours. There is no question about it." He sighed. "There is also a certain protection offered for every imprintee. None of us, or any of our kin, could harm the orange bloodsucker."

"It is our duty to protect our people." San responded. "If she should attack-"

"Do not presume to lecture me on duty, San ." Namjoon responded coldly. San bowed his head, acknowledging his mistake. "Ephraim could not have seen this coming. Adopted shifters are so rare. We will have to meet with the cold ones. Has there been any sign of the red-eyed vamp?"

"No, there hasn't." San looked out into the darkness. "We've run constant patrols, but she hasn't crossed our path in a week or so. She's either abandoned the hunt or is trying something new."

Jin nodded in agreement. "We have much to discuss. We can no longer patrol the Hwang's lands. It seems we have limited options."

"I understand. When would you like me to call the meeting?"

"Hold off for now," Namjoon responded, one hand raised. "Ryujin needs time. Her imprint is new to her. It may be frightening to her. You will remember that well." San hung his head; Jin cleared his throat. "This is a delicate situation. I have never seen an imprint react badly before, but I have also never seen a wolf imprint on a vampire. I do not want to jeopardize Ryuin's future, no matter who it may be with." San snorted.

"Something funny, San?" Jin asked seriously.

"My apologies, I was only imagining you saying that same sentence a year ago. Forgive me, please."

Namjoon nodded. "Forgiven. The winds of change are upon us and standing on tradition and ceremony is about to be very difficult." Namjoon looked out into the evening as wind ruffled his long hair. He embodied tradition, and to hear him question it shook San to the core. "Keep up with patrols. Run the full length of our land. Ryujin's connection with the Hwang's may allow us to help patrol their land as well."

"And if they agree to allow us on their land?" San asked. "Will we then allow them on ours?"

"Absolutely not," Namjoon sneered. "The treaty stands in place for that reason, and that reason alone. To disregard that would destroy this tenuous co-existence."

"I understand." San stood. "What will you have me do?"

"For now? Do as you have. Maintain the patrols. Send out pairs at a time. If Heejin reappears, we must find her and eliminate her." Jin seemed finished, so San turned to go. Jin called after him. "And San?"


"Let Chaeryeong run with Ryujin sometimes. They may ally themselves to each other. They both understand difficult imprints."

San nodded. There was no malice in Jin's voice, but San felt ashamed anyways. He left, and Namjoon looked at Jin seriously. "You've got to let it go, Jin."

"She's my only daughter. I know he didn't have a choice, but her pain is my pain." Namjoon nodded, understanding. "What are we going to do, Namjoon? Does Jimin know about Ryujin? Do the Hwang's?"

Namjoon shrugged. "I don't think so. We may have to have a meeting alone with Ryujin. Now isn't the time though. Now it's time for rest."

Ryujin arrived home after her gym class jamboree to the sight of Chaeryeong leaning on a dirt bike in her driveway. "Well hello, sourpuss. What brings your sorry tail into town?"

And so the lamp became the beastWhere stories live. Discover now