chapter 4

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    Due to Mario gently stroking her hair as she was seated on his lap, she was just about to sleep off when they heard someone bang on their door. Making her and Mario look at each other, wondering who it could be at this time of the night. Mario tapped her to stand so he can go check who was at the door, he walked to the door and checked through the peephole to see Lisa. She was the one banging his door like a crazed person, making him irritated at the sight of her, what could she possibly want now? He thought in his mind.
   He opened the door to send her away when he noticed she came with the police, she barged into the house and told the police to arrest him, that he was the one abusing her friend.
"Hello Mr Stone, this young woman here filled a report of domestic violence of her friend against you we would like to confirm from the suspected victim if it's true". Turning to raine one of the police personnel a woman spoke to raine "don't be afraid madam, if he is indeed abusing you let us know please".
When Raine heard this she immediately panicked, she held Mario's hand and told the police that she knows her friend means well, but when she was talking to her awhile ago, a cockroach slid over her feet making her scream in fright, as she was on the phone with her friend before her phone fell from her hands and smashed on the ground. So she understands her friend care about her well-being but it's just a misunderstanding She said to the police as she looked at Mario lovingly, who also smiled down at her, she could see he was angry again but concealed it with his award winning smile.
"Yes officers, what my fiancee said is the truth, I heard her scream and ran to the kitchen to check on her, her phone is still on the ground in the kitchen just incase you want to confirm.
Lisa looked at Raine with an eye of anger and disappointment, she felt like crying she doesn't know what Raine sees in this monster who always hurts her, raine claims to love him, but this isnt love this is foolishness.
    When Raine raised her head to look at Lisa and saw the different emotions in Lisa's eyes it made her heart break. She understood that Lisa cares and loves her a lot but so does Mario, he just doesn't know how to control his anger and love a woman right, but with time she knows he will change for the better, she believed he will change.
   Ma'am she has confirmed that she isn't harmed in anyway or being abused by her fiancee and we can't see any sign of abuse on her, so we can't arrest him.
The police officer turned to the couple in front of him, thank you for your time Mr Stone and Miss Adams do have a goodnight rest.
Seeing as the police officers were leaving and they were her ride here Lisa had to go with them, since she knew that monster won't take her home, especially after calling the police on him. "This isn't over mr stone" she spat as she looked at him with hatred in her eyes and just shook  her head at Raine disappointed by her for standing up for her abuser in the name of love.
   When they left Mario turned and looked at Raine now he could express his anger. "So Raine you told your friend I abuse you right" he asked calmly as he looked at her.
Raine got nervous at the question. "Mario I swear I didn't tell her anything, you know Lisa doesn't like you, she saw the injury on my arms Mario, even with most of my clothes being long sleeved she found it odd why I started wearing long sleeves dresses every time all of a sudden" she explained herself to him.
     "You know what? It's ok, you don't have to explain yourself to me. Do you know what your going to do now?" He asked her.
Making her look at him in confusion. "What do you want me to do?" She asked him.
"So your punishment for conspiring against me with your friend and embarrassing a respected man like me ? You are going to spend the night outside this house sweetheart, your going to sleep outside, maybe it's the shelter I provide for you that's making you run your mouth to that idiot Lisa,  now before I close my eyes and open them I don't want you in front of me and you had better be outside " he instructed her.

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