Chapter 1

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      Xavier was seated on the couch in the living room reading a book while waiting for the love of his life to wake up. He loves Annie an inconsiderable amount and would do anything for her.
Having grown up with his mom, who he loves So much, his dad abandoned them when he was two years old and his mum a nurse worked hard for both of them to live comfortably. He admires and respects his mom a great deal, she taught him how to treat women and respect them, because in her own words however he treats a woman reflects on her upbringing. So he couldn't let him mom down.
        She is one of the reason he loved medicine,apart from serving humanity.
His mom was loved and respected by a lot of people and both medical professionals because of her capabilities, Xavier admired her strength.
He looked up just in time to see Annie descend they stairs still rubbing the sleep of her eyes with her hands. He smiled at how cute she looked. Annie is the definition of an independent and strong woman, he thought of how lucky he was to have her in his life everyday.

   When Annie got to the couch and yawning, he stood and greeted her with a kiss on the cheek. "Good morning babe" he said to her with a smile.
Annie rolled her eyes "Good morning Xavier" she muttered back.
I made breakfast I was waiting for you to come downstairs for us to eat together"he said to her"
Xavier couldn't remember the last time Annie made him any breakfast but his love was sufficient enough for the both of them.
Annie always complained of being tired even though she doesn't do any work, xavier knows about Annie's tough exterior, he loved her, faults and all because he knew within that tough exterior there was a soft heart deep down. He just had to bring his Annie back, who loved him immensely, when they began dating. They have been together for 3 years, 2 year of dating and 1 year of being engaged. They should be preparing for their marriage but Annie insisted on still enjoying her life outside of marriage, he loved her alot and respected her wishes. After all if they got Married they would be together for life.

"So what are you going to be doing today baby".Xavier asked Annie,who was currently looking for something to wear from the closet still in her towel as she had just taken a bath after finishing breakfast.
I thought maybe we can hangout today seeing as it's my day off he continued.
This question made Annie infuriated immediately, don't you have anything to do other than bug me, go make yourself useful, did I tell you I want to spend the day with you huh!"she asked him angrily"
I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you angry with my question,it's just that it's been a while we did something fun together since I have been busy and I thought you will like for us to spend the day together.
   Ahhhhh!! "Annie screamed pulling at her hair" she turned to him furiously, this is my problem with you, you are such a pushover. You apologize for anything, can't you be a real man for once huh?
See the way I talk to you and treat you, yet you don't react to my words you don't get angry, you just apologize! apologize! apologize!
I don't want that, make this relationship spicy Xavier not boring.
I don't understand how arguing with you is going to make the relationship spicy, am sorry "he apologized and walked out of the room"
Yes! Walk out that's what you always do anyway.

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