Twin's Sacrifice

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Okay, I'm Here for another short story and I got inspired from the Insta reel I watched just now (10:37 PM, 15th April 2024)


Character info:
The Identical Twins - Park Jimin, Park Taemin.
Jeon Jeong-guk fiance of Park Taemin

The decorated wedding aisle fell silent as they heard the news of the bridegroom's road accident. The wedding was cancelled. Jeong Guk was standing near the ICU with worry plastered on his face while he tried to console his supposed to be Mother-In-Law. Both of the twins were fighting for their life. After somewhat 24 hours nurse informed that one of the twins is safe and under observation. While the other twin is not responding to any treatment. "We tried our 1000% but couldn't save him", the words kept repeating in the heads of Jeong-guk.
The doctors asked the twins' mother to identify who made it alive and who didn't. After the mother identified the dead twin as Park Jimin, Jeong-guk took a breath of relief - not to be rude or anything they were in love for almost 6 years and he silently prayed that it was not Taemin who couldn't make it. He silently cried for the loss of Park family.

Jimin was a mature, reserved person who could do anything for his family. Loosing one of the son is really difficult for a mother. She kept on weeping for several days. Screamed for Jimin to wake up, Jimin didn't come but they had Taemin, Jimin's other half who was now discharged listening to her cries got to know what happened with his other half. He was devastated, he wasn't there to say final goodbye, he wasn't there to see his face for the last time. He also kept on crying and isolated himself for 2-3 days.

One day he heard a voice by the door, "Taemin-ah, baby don't you want to talk to me atleast?" And suddenly he remembered the day and cried more "Baby please open the door, I- We can't see you like this, it was no ones fault. Please try to understand, your mother needs you the most right now. We-I need you" Right he had mother and he convinced himself that he's to stay strong for his mother and decided to move on along with the memories. Everyone noticed the change in the behaviour of Jimin but said nothing.

A year after the incident the parents of both Jeong-guk and Taemin thought of getting their sons wedded as soon as possible. As planned their wedding took place and the couples finally got married and the Newly wedded couple headed towards their new apartment. Taemin was exhausted and didn't expect a hand spooning behind him and Jeong-guk was so close that Taemin could feel the outline of Jeong-guk's arousal. The room was lit by some candles making it slightly dark, decorated with flowers creating a romantic bliss. Taemin took a deep breath and opened his mouth to tell something but was interrupted by Jeong-guk's hungry kiss. Jeong-guk couldn't held himself back anymore and ravished the other boy that ended up mating and knotting the boy. It was their first time after the incident. Tae was advised to rest enough for a year. Jeong-guk made sure to satisfy his husband to the fullest and had a peaceful sleep of his life .

When the morning sun shines throughout the room and Jeong-guk opened his eyes. He was loving the sight of his husband complete neck, collarbone was covered in hickeys. He was shamelessly oogling his husband until he noticed a mole on the left side of his husband's belly button. He came forward and squint his eyes to get better view what he saw.

His whole world came down crashing, he just realised what has happened. He couldn't utter a single world. Taemin stirred awake because of the change in aura of the room. When he saw Jeong-guk tear filled eyes he realised what had happened. Nobody dared to talk after somewhat 5 minutes TaeMin cleared his throat and said "I tried to stop you but you didn't listen?", "you could've tried before the wedding. Jimin"
"I tried you were not ready, whenever I told I had something to talk you always made me hold on to giving me reasons."
"Why couldn't you tell your family that you are Jimin? why? You played your ugly trick me, Because of you I ended up cheating Tae" Jeong Guk screamed. "The family who didn't recognise me? The family that didn't even try to ask me or wait before coming to conclusions, how do I tell my family that the social butterfly of the family is dead not the quite Jimin. They came into conclusions and I didn't bother to correct them. You should've tried to recognise me. You guys were blind you just wanted Tae back. I couldn't correct her when mom called me Taemin, I couldn't correct her when all she's able to look for her deceased son Taemin in me. Tell me, am I at fault for killing myself for the happiness of you people? Tell me, am I at fault that I want my mom's happiness? All I want is that everyone's happiness, if they saw Taemin in me then let them. I never thought of loosing my virginity to my brother's fiance. I feel dirty. You would've recognise me" Jimin cried and Jeong-guk also cried. Jimin was right he would've realised the moment he touched. Tae and Jeong-guk used to make love most. Jeong-guk understood the dilemma they were in. He could feel Jimin's pain through their bond.

After calming down they decided to continue their life and hide the truth from everyone until the right time comes. The truth was equal bitter to an poison.

After 2 months, Jimin showed the pregnancy results he took to Jeong Guk with teary eyes. The destiny has played them again.



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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16 ⏰

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