27‣ 𝙥𝙞𝙣𝙠 𝙘𝙝𝙧𝙤𝙢𝙖-𝙠𝙚𝙮 𝙗𝙧𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙨

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Hyunjin wasn't bluffing when he had said he'd be there, it didn't matter that he had to leave amidst the dinner abruptly and leave Miyeon stranded, it didn't matter that he also had pending businesses for the evening, didn't matter that he couldn't afford to be out and about without any guards considering the strange danger that has been looming over him, nothing mattered. What mattered was the fact that Felix called, and he couldn't say no. 

So here he was, walking inside the broad glass gates of the cinema Felix had texted him about, into the bustle of it and its suffocating surge of the crowd. The loud noises of people chattering, objects clacking, and faint mobile phone dinging, all combined with just how many people were present here made Hyunjin both upset and nauseous. But his sudden urge to run away from here didn't stop him from searching for Felix, deep brown eyes running through countless new faces to spot that beautiful one but he doesn't succeeds and a frown takes over his expression, overwriting the permanent scowl he always has

he takes a few steps forward, doing his best not to bump into anyone because it's bad enough that he's in this swarm of people, he wouldn't want to worsen the state of his disgust by touching someone. Once he is amidst the hall, he cranes his neck to get a better view of everywhere but still, the blue tuft of hair is nowhere to be found. Yet before he can shove his hand inside his pocket to pick out his phone, a hand slides between the crook of his arm and wraps itself around it, surprising Hyunjin and raising a shot of anger within him 

he turns to the side immediately, ready to snatch himself away from this person and remind them of the grave mistake they've made but then his wrathful eyes smooth over like a gentle wind had taken away rising heat, or a splatter of water to calm out a bustling fire. Appears before Hyunjin's eyes the face of Felix, the face he had often dreamt about these past ten days, the face he considered to be the most beautiful ever, flawless in every aspect. "Here you are" Felix cheerily mumbles, his voice dimming out with the loudness around him 

"Here I am" Hyunjin repeats though the reasoning is unclear, he seems a little dazed, just staring at Felix with so much fondness in his eyes it could rival the first time Eros saw Psyche. "I didn't bother you, did I?" Felix raises his brows softly and the action makes his eyes appear round and glittery, clinging closer to Hyunjin even if they don't have that type of chemistry and the warmth emitting from his body makes Hyunjin lean toward him subconsciously, "You didn't" Hyunjin mumbles, still a little lost but he remembers to bite down the statement he was about to follow up with 

'you could never bother me' 

Felix smiles like the sweetest of angels and Hyunjin finds his knees growing weaker at the crinkles that adorn Felix's eyes. The blue-haired looks away just in time otherwise Hyunjin would have been a puddle on the floor by now. "We should get going, the movie's already begun" Felix announces, hand still curled around Hyunjin's forearm as he drags the two of them toward a certain lane. Hyunjin needed a few seconds to grasp himself, prevent his mind from shutting off completely as he looked away from Felix and gulped, dropped his faint smile, and put on his sharp look again.

They don't speak any further as a few more steps lead them toward the door of the cinema room and inside it. The staff creaks open the door, letting in bright light from behind the men as Felix rushes them inside and the door closes, returning the darkness that filled this place earlier. As soon as they step inside, loud noises take over the two's hearing while they take quiet steps down the lane of their respective seats. Hyunjin's eyes graze over the people's faces who seem immersed in whatever the screen before them is playing

and in short seconds, the duo plop down on corner seats, Hyunjin helps the blue-haired inside, wanting to sit at the very corner for reasons Felix couldn't decipher but he didn't prod his comfort and sat down, letting out a sigh of relief. Hyunjin does the same and doesn't take too long to sit down but then a softly whispered "Shit" holds him still in his place, makes him look over at Felix and cock a brow while the blue-haired has his bottom lip stuck between his teeth and is looking up at Hyunjin with pleading eyes 

𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐚𝐩𝐢𝐬𝐦; 𝐡𝐲𝐮𝐧𝐥𝐢𝐱حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن