22‣ 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚'𝙨 𝙖 𝙥𝙡𝙖𝙘𝙚 𝙙𝙤𝙬𝙣𝙩𝙤𝙬𝙣

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The breakfast was going surprisingly well, Hyunjin hadn't expected himself to remain quiet and calm for the most part, especially considering what had gone down between the two men earlier but he was relatively composed. However, his thoughts were an entirely different story and a complete contrast to his outward poise. His mind wouldn't stop replaying the way Felix had called him 'Sir' and how his sultry but deep voice had whispered those words into existence, it felt like his thoughts were a broken radio, replaying the same song on repeat and he didn't mind it

didn't mind how the imagery of Felix's face, his sinister expressions, his poisonous lips and his even prettier eyes kept flashing across his lids, didn't mind how he could feel his touch blazing against his own skin and his whimpers echoing in his head. Hyunjin was sure he was never going to stop thinking about this until a voice brought him out of his fantasy land "How long have you known each other for?" Changbin, who was sitting next to Hyunjin queries quietly as if he meant his voice only to reach the blond

Hyunjin looked up from his half-eaten pancakes, glancing briefly and Felix and his other friend who were conversing and seemed to be in their own world before he looked at Changbin, gaze dark and heavy but Changbin didn't seem to mind his cold eyes. "Some weeks" The latter remains quiet for a moment, nodding his head in response and calculating something in his mind "How did you come about to be friends?" Hyunjin is clearly not a fan of this interrogation and he knows there is a reason Changbin is asking him all of this but he doesn't let the ghosts of his unnecessary wrath possess him as he clicks his jaw and looks down at his plate

His mind is running miles a second, trying to comprehend what he can say in this situation that won't be breaching Felix's comfort zone. He's not sure if the blue-haired would want his friend to know this since it seems like he's clearly not aware so he looks up at Felix, fortunately finds his eyes already on him as the blue-haired knits his brows confusedly before speaking "We met at a bar" His voice comes unexpectedly and catches Changbin off guard who immediately turns to look at his friend

Felix looked vexed, his tone suggested enough and Changbin chuckled more to himself than to the latter "Right, cool" he licked his lips and returned to eating knowing very well he was going to receive a lecture from the blue-haired for this but it's not like he could help it, his boyfriend has been rubbing on him and now he doubts everyone. Felix settles his cutlery down and looks over at Hyunjin, eyes softening "Minnie and I were discussing our plans for the night, I told you about the bar and stuff, remember?" He cocks a brow at Hyunjin, raises his hands, and interlaces his fingers to rest his chin on them

Hyunjin nods, focused on what the boy has to say "Well we're gonna go there tonight, and I thought you should come" His lips curl into a pretty and dainty smile and Hyunjin feels his heart skip a beat like it often does around the blue-haired but he doesn't pay it any mind, concentrated on Felix and what he was suggesting "It's nice of you to--" Hyunjin gets cut off by the freckled and had it been anyone else interrupting his speech they'd likely be taking their last breaths now but it was Felix, and if he killed him then who'd pour nectarean poison into his soul and make him beg for more?

"It's not a request, Hyunjin. Seriously, you should come, you keep indebting me let me buy you a couple of drinks tonight" Felix huffed as he sat up straight to grab his juice and Hyunjin was quiet for a second, considering his words. There's a gulp that runs down his throat because his mind is yelling at him to reject this offer, think about all the work that has piled up yet his heart is twisting in his chest, pleading him to say yes and go for the offer Felix has put in front of him. Felix is still looking at him, awaiting his answer and so are the blue-haired's friends

"I uh...I have work, pretty." The nickname slips off before Hyunjin can hold it back and appear formal but Felix doesn't seem bothered by it, only creating a guttural sound in his deep voice to showcase his displeasure "You should come, we're fun people, Hyunjin" Changbin smiles, his dimple popping and making his boyfriend's heart melt as he sets away his cutlery and pours the blond some juice, sliding the glass to him. Hyunjin kept his eyes on Felix because he knew if he looked away he'd definitely make a nasty remark about Changbin calling him by his name

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