"Can she stop walking away?" I hear Minho say to the others

"Shut up Minho" I walk back to them

"Pack up some stuff, whatever you need, then we will split up and meet back here" Thomas grabs a jacket and puts it on

"These dirty clothes?" I pick up a t-shirt that is wet and dirty, looking at it with disgust

"You're literally in a mother fucking hospital gown Astrid, i think these will be an upgrade" Minho fake smiles

"I think it's kinda cute" I smile for real, doing a little spin

"Here" Minho throws me a jacket

And then i'm thrown a top and trousers

"Make your laundry basket" I roll my eyes taking the clothes and leaving the room again

"Where are you going?" Newt asks

"Getting changed?"

"Oh, me and you will team up" Newt walks towards me

"Fine by me" I say and walk beside a corner to get changed

Once i get changed i go back to Newt and we begin exploring this place

"This is creepy" I point out

"I know" Newt agrees

I go towards a cage?

"Why the fuck is there a cage?" I ask

"Not sure" Newt walks towards me, also looking into it

We walk away from it, and then we see what looks to be a body, sitting on a chair, head being covered by a plastic bag

"I'm gonna throw up" I turn around

"You slit a man's throat?" Newt says

"Yea well he fucking deserved it" I walk away again

"What is this you and walking aw-" Newt gets cut off by something dropping to the ground, we both turn our heads around

"What was that?" I whisper

"I have no fucking clue" He whispers

"Minho? Thomas? Frypan? Winston?" I start naming

No one answers

Then another thing drops, and a person pops out of no where, limping towards us

"Astrid run! It's a crank!" Newt runs the other way

"What?" I look at him as he runs, i look back to the crank and it grabs me, pushing me to the ground

It tries to bite my neck

"NEWT!" I scream for help

"SOMEONE HELP ME!" I shout trying to hold the crank back as good as i can

That's when i punch it

In the face, it falls and i run

Runners - MinhoWhere stories live. Discover now