"Why are you here?" Nirvan said to break the uncomfortable silence that had engulfed both of them

"Sorry?" Kaia's eyebrows furrowed together

"I mean do you want to get married? You seem young"

Kaia was young, atleast younger than him. Their small age difference became more prominent as Kaia's baby face looked infantile in contrast with Nirvan's tall stature and beard

"I do want to get married"
Kaia partially lied. She only wanted to get married to give her mother's dream a destination

The room fell silent once again. Nirvan studied the symmetry of Kaia's face, her beady yet bright eyes her small button nose to her lips which were painted a unique shade of crimson.

"Do you want to get married?" Kaia asked in a shaky voice not knowing what to expect

"Perhaps" Nirvan was disappointed with his own answer.

'It should have been no, a big fat no'

"What are expecting from this marriage?"

'What was I expecting from this marriage?' Kaia internalized the question


'Did she just say nothing?' Nirvan touched the bridge of his nose

"I don't want a wife I want a person who will take care of our company along with me"

"So you want an employee?"
Nirvan felt a weird sensation in his stomach hearing Kaia

"I don't want an employee" Nirvan greeted his teeth as Kaia noticed how his contours became pronounced
"I want someone who shares the same interest as me"

Kaia had read about his company but never once did she see his pictures. There company was one of the most successful in India, Kaia found herself intrigued by their achievement but never did she once think she will be a potential candidate for marrying the ceo.

"Our company owns multiple business- furnitures , toiletries, hotels-"

"Hospitals, Apartments I know"

'She knows' Nirvan briefly felt proud of their empire until Kaia spoke again "You should consider spending more on marketing"

Nirvan unconsciously raised his eyebrows as Kaia regretted her words

"I shouldn't have said that I am sorry" Kaia fidgeted with her dupatta in anxiety

"Why do you say that?" Nirvan rested his arm on the table as the topic was something that sparked interest

"I didn't mean it"

"You did, I want to know if my company is lacking something"

"Most of your revenue is generated from your hospitals, hotels and furnished apartments, you are praised a lot because you use your own designs. Despite that your sales are not great."

"Why do you think that is?"

"Marketing..you cater to the higher class only, middle classes don't know your brand plus your long term average cost curve needs proper projection"

Nirvan was fighting the urge to find her attractive throughout but with the conviction with which she spoke about his company he couldn't help getting attracted to her

"Why do you-"

"I am getting late, I should leave" Kaia interjected

'In my calculation I should have rejected her one hour ago but here I am still while she is packing her things' Nirvan sighed at the thought

Kaia turned to leave but stooped at a tug of her dupatta being stuck to the corner of the chair.

Nirvan studied her well as she struggled to detangle her white dupatta. After a few minutes Nirvan got up to help her free her dupatta.

As Nirvan gently freed Kaia's dupatta from the chair, a sense of closeness enveloped them. Kaia couldn't help but notice how Nirvan's gaze lingered on her, studying her with a mix of curiosity and admiration. She felt a flutter in her chest as he stood tall beside her, his presence commanding yet gentle.

For Nirvan, being so close to Kaia stirred something within him. Her petite frame contrasted with his own stature, yet there was a strength in her demeanor that captivated him. He found himself drawn to her, entranced by her presence and the way she effortlessly carried herself.

As their eyes met, a silent understanding passed between them. It was as if in that moment, they both recognized something special in each other – a connection that went beyond words or gestures.


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