short story

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"Hello everyone,

I'm excited to share my very first short story with you. I've put a lot of effort into it, and I hope you enjoy reading it. I'm also eager to learn and improve my writing skills, so please feel free to leave your constructive feedback in the comments section. Your insights will help me grow as a writer. And if you happen to enjoy the story, I'd love to hear your thoughts as well. Thank you for taking the time to read and provide feedback. Happy reading!"


It was New Year's Eve 2022, and everyone in my family was full of joy and excitement. I'm Ana Larson, a 21-year-old girl who lives in California with my parents. I joyfully wished everyone a happy new year as the clock hit midnight, and we gathered around to cut the cake. Even though I'm not a huge lover of cakes, I do occasionally like them. At the TV launch, we all danced and cheered while savouring the night before the new year.

While everyone else was dancing, I started feeling ill and chose to sit in a corner and view everyone. Suddenly, my attention was directed to the storeroom, where I observed a person. It seemed obscure to me, yet I couldn't take my eyes off it. It seemed like someone was observing me from there. My heart began to pound, and I came out in a cold sweat. I summoned the courage to approach the storehouse, compelled by curiosity and anxiety. When I got there, I saw something incredible. The awful thing I witnessed cannot be accurately described in words. I felt as though I were being mesmerized by a creature with dark, penetrating eyes. The person wore ragged clothing, twisted his body in strange ways, and had a frightening smirk on his face. Right then, I collapsed and lost consciousness.

When I awoke the next day, I had a high temperature. My mother was in tears, but when I explained what had happened the night before, my parents disregarded it as a figment of my mind. They argued that I was overthinking things and advised me to take a nap. I was sure that what I had gone through was true, but I refrained from telling anyone since I knew they wouldn't believe me.

As time passed, I gradually began to feel more normal. My family planned a trip to New York after 15 days, but I was unable to go because of my academic obligations. As a result, I was left alone at home. I woke up at 1 a.m. one night while lying in bed, overcome by thirst. I went to the kitchen to get some water. I saw a person sitting on the sofa as I entered the living room. I moved slowly toward it, but before I could get there, the figure disappeared in front of my eyes. I ran back into my room and quickly locked the door after being shocked. I started crying and praying when I heard footsteps outside my door after a short time. Suddenly, there was a strong kick on my door, which was shaken severely. I could feel my body shaking throughout my entire existence as the crashing sound echoed around the home. I don't remember what occurred after that, but when I came to, it was already two o'clock the next afternoon. I was dizzy and had a terrible headache. Everything seemed normal as I came out of my room as if I had just had a bad dream, but I couldn't get rid of the lingering worry. I grabbed breakfast and a coffee before getting ready and went to the college for my classes.

I couldn't keep my feelings secret any longer, so I told my childhood friend Mia, who quickly became my support system. She said that she thought I was under the control of evil powers. I decided to spend the night at her place because I was so scared. I told my parents I was going to spend the night at Mia's, but I didn't tell them anything about what happened.

The next day, Sunday, Mia and I decided to see a movie and have some late-night burgers. We selected a romantic movie because we both like that genre after placing our food order. We decided on "The Kissing Booth," and while we ate our burgers and watched the film, I briefly forgot the problems that had been bothering me. It seemed like a perfect night. However, after a few hours of sleep, another horrific incident happened.

I was shocked to find myself back in my own home, resting on my bed. I screamed and sobbed in pain, wanting to contact my parents so badly, but I didn't have a phone. All around me was covered in darkness until I saw someone coming. My cries became louder as my bed began to hang and the door started to swing wildly. I felt as though an unknown force was assaulting me. I tried to defend myself, but my hands were twisted backward, giving me excruciating pain. I felt helpless and knew I had no one to turn to. I turned to prayer in my pain, seeking comfort in God's presence. The next morning was an ordinary day; however, I don't remember how everything was handled. The light in my room gave a glimpse of hope that reminded me of heaven even though I was still experiencing physical and mental suffering. During those terrifying times, I realized that I was never completely alone. The presence of a supernatural power gave me the strength to survive. Nonetheless, I learned a lot from the experience. Others may turn their backs on you when you're in need, but your faith in God will never falter. Although I was aware that genuine sympathy and understanding are few, I found solace in my faith.

My daily life has been greatly affected by these incidents. Fear and anxiety became common friends, and the discomfort from the contorted hands lingered. I struggled, but I persevered because of my unbreakable trust in God, which gave me comfort. Relationships with others were difficult since I was unable to share these experiences with anybody. I put on a mask, pretended everything was okay, and kept those haunting memories to myself. I couldn't get rid of the unanswered question of what happened and who that figure was.

Now I try to live as normally as I can, even though I have not yet entirely recovered inside. Others' support and understanding may be rare, but I found peace in my faith and my friendship with Mia. In uncertain times, they were my pillar of support. Even though I still experience pain and worry, I've learned to draw strength from my unwavering faith. The events of those nights are still a mystery and will always be a part of who I am, but they also helped me become the strong person I am today.

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