As the smoke clears, they watch on as the enemy ship has begun to retreat, voyaging off into the distance, disappearing into a misty darkening horizon. To give chase would only be a waste of his time- something Teach knew when the slightly smaller lighter ship would surely out run them within a matter of minutes.

The cheering on board begins, the crew gets louder as they celebrate the victory of the retreating ship excitedly, whilst letting the relief wash over them... although Teach had been the only one to seem unchanged. He presses a hand to his upper arm, putting pressure to where it bled... he'd been hit by some shrapnel of wood that had ripped straight through his thick black coat, and sliced right through to his skin.

"You ok?" a voice came from behind him. Teach turns to find his friend Black Caesar standing behind him. He groans before lifting up his gaze and bellowing orders to a topman tending the sails, then striding around his friend. "Edward?" Black Caesar tries again.

"All be ok-" he hisses out.

"The native girl- she be on ye mind again, matey-"

"All good- I said, Caesar!" he roars, leaving Black Caesar a little stunned and left with a bewildered expression flitting across his face.

His outburst had turned some heads. His temper proved to be far worse than Caesar had originally thought. His eyes scan his friend with a strange look.

"Edward..." Caesar tries again, ignoring the clear warning signs Teach gives him. The fury in his eyes made Caesar aware he was playing with fire... but he was also aware his friend was spiraling and he just can't stand there and do nothing. Edward had pulled him out of some bad situations many times before... Caesar owed him that- to do the same... he also knew his friend well- had spent so many years sailing by his side. Black Caesar had always known how loyal Edward had been to him too. Besides, he couldn't have a murderous captain thundering around, causing a whole bunch of trouble, and causing the crew to grow mutinous. "Ya married now, mate. Let 'er go. All 'ese women be all tha same, nuttin' to work yar self up about- mate? Ya know?" he says with a slight downed look.

Teach grits his teeth. "Ya 'ave no idea Caesar- so maybe 'ust keep ya damn mouth shut, 'lright?" Teach tries to walk around him, climbing down to the lower deck and storming into his quarter, bashing the door open, and it smashes back against the wall and closes again. Caesar carefully opens the door, and steps inside, following him in, standing by the doorway.

"Mary be yar wife-" Caesar says sternly, watching him closely. "Ya may 'ave married 'er less than a month ago- but she be a real beaut, Ed... ya get ta know 'er better, and fall in love- it'll 'appen soon, mate... and ya promised the Governor- and he pardoned you of yar misdeeds- what more would ya like, mate?" he watches him, a slight glint of light in his steeled dark eyes. "The Gov attended yar wedding- witnessed ya vows been said... he witness a changin' of yar ways, Ed... the promise of a new man- wit new promises. He 'as high hopes for ya. Mary shoulda been what brought ya yar peace, what brought yar happiness, know what I'm sayin'?-"

"Ya mean 'at naive little girl?-" he grunts with disbelief, pacing the room "-'nd Eden-" Teach snarls. "-the man is not a man. He a treacherous scoundrel- he thinks I be a fool- thinks I should pay 'im gold for me peace- buy me out, 'ey?-" Teach spits.

"Mary shoulda put some purity back in ta yar 'eart-" Caesar stands by what he'd said, sternly.

"What-cha bloody hell talkin' 'bout, Caesar?!" he barks. "Ya can't buy back purity! My soul is dead- my soul is tarnished-" he abruptly stops, wiping a hand in the air, like it wouldn't matter what he'd said- it would be a waste of time- "I told ya to shut it or see what 'appens." he warns with a low growl.

Riara in Morocco जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें