Chapter Two: Part 2

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Hey guys! New part! Once again I tried my best, I haven't had as much time to write and may have to fix it up some parts which I will look over sometime this week, but hope it came out ok! I will take longer with the next one but thought I would put this one up! Another thing, I have no plans to add smut to this story, but if by any chance I do, which most likely I won't, I will warn you all before the chapter. And guys, thank you for your lovely comments!! And for very vote too!! Hope you all have an amazing week!! Enjoy!

After Teach's treasure had been buried three days later: 1718

Bath, North Carolina, within the walls of Teach's small colonial cottage in the middle of an open expanse of marsh land and a handful of towering trees.

She made him feel like there was something good about him... there was nothing good about him.

The day he'd set eyes on her tore something in him. It's like he'd found his new North Star. His heart was beckoned to change course, pivoting him to bound toward something foreign. His heart used to be his ship... and now it pulsed just to get to know more of her. And, not in a million years would he have guessed that she'd be here, resting in his bed in his home.

A golden glow from a burning candle dimly dances along the timber walls. Beneath the glow of a lantern light, her hand comes up and trails over his rough face, curiously taking in his image. Tender and softly, caressing the tension from his face, Edward doesn't think his heart has ever beaten so fast gazing at anything before.

Many years was his world on his wooden ship, surrounded by infinite water, but never had he come so close to finding his real home. Her eyes are dark, and comforting, earthy, he couldn't help but be centered to them.

Whenever his men spotted land aboard his ship, elation spilling over their faces, the destination became what their hearts pounded for. Edward's heart beats just as hard for her. He gazes at her as she'd laid on his bed where he offered a place for her to rest as her leg healed. He can't help but feel like he'd been once lost out at sea, and he'd been drawn back to land because of her. She was his earth, his ground- he'd thought his ship had been his sanctuary, but how could it when she drew him in like this... he'd discovered something far beyond better than any gold.

He tips his head forward, titling his mouth to inch closer to hers, finding her mouth and covering it slowly, melting his lips against hers, she sucks in a breath in his mouth, confusion stirring in her chest.

She may have strayed from her tribe, but she's unsure as to what this was between them... She wasn't trusting of how he may treat her heart- what his intentions could be. His spirit was troubled. That is something she can't ignore.

She doesn't instantly move her lips to his, but finds herself giving in to the movement of his mouth over hers, and, sensing her reciprocation, he picks her face up, pulling her closer by the back of her neck, swallowing up her mouth with his, finding that she's giving in more and more to her temptation. He slides his callous hand along the length of her leg, until they reach her dress, and it's when he feels she suddenly presses her hand to his chest, pushing him away.

Her eyes scan him quickly. She maneuvers herself away from him, then moves back onto her feet.

Beyond baffled, Edward turns to watch as she limps to the door, pushing it open, passing through without giving him a glance. He fights every urge in him- with everything he has- to will himself not to go after her, even if he wanted to force her to stay. The fight is excruciating, his hands tremmering at his sides, but he can't do it- he can't keep her- it wasn't his place to make her stay. He was a beast, he reminds himself, a brute, as everyone thought of him as- one that always got what he wanted- that had concocted himself the image of being a tyrannical ruthless man- and... he can't be like that to her... she was like a goddess that he wished to worship... what if he lost his temper, what if he hurt her- he can't. He grounds himself, only hoping she would turn and decide to come back to him-

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