The Gentle Calm (Astarion X Druid!Reader)

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Reader's PoV:

A hushed breeze flew through the peaceful clearing we had found ourselves camping out in last night. As per usual, I found myself awake more than an hour before the remainder of the party. This was just an unfortunate remnant of my past and the druidic training that I had previously endured. On this particular morning, however peaceful it may be, I did not seem to be the only person awake this early. My alluring lover, Astarion, was awake considering his cot next to mine was empty when I awoke. I moved into the tree line and towards where I knew there was a nearby brook. I began to clean myself up for the day to come and had a drink of some of the fresh water. Over the quiet gargling of the brook, I could hear a sweet and melodic voice singing a serene song. Almost immediately, I recognized the voice as Astarion singing the soft song a little bit farther up the brook. 

"Hanging moon in fog, mists will lead where you belong, sweep me of my feet..." Tada, I imagine it's down by the river! Anyways...

"Dove? I didn't think that you would be up quite yet." I breathed quietly, waiting to speak until after his singing had stopped and trying not to startle my lover or the calm forest surrounding us. Although, my attempt at being more subtle in approaching my lover was only partially successful as Astarion's shoulders tensed and he turned to face me. Immediately, I noticed the streaks where tears once ran down his pale face which he quickly tried to wipe away so I wouldn't see them. 

"Oh Darling! Good morning! I didn't see you standing there!" Astarion greeted me half-heartedly, clearly trying to avoid me taking notice of his slightly distraught demeanor. 

"Oh Dove, I've not been here for very long... Why did you leave our cot? Clearly something happened, why did you not wake me up?" I whispered, moving closer to Astarion and pulling him into a gentle embrace. 

"I- I am alright Love. I had a bit of a nightmare, so I figured an early morning stroll would help... I did not wake you because I know how little you tend to sleep anyways and I did not want to deter you from getting as much rest as possible." Astarion's admission had surprised me a bit as he had never told me about his own dreams before. 

"It seems as though it helped some. Shall we sit here by the creek for a while?" I suggested and upon Astarion's responsive nod I helped to lower us onto the soft grass beneath a large oak tree. I was laid down, my back propped up slightly by the tree and Astarion was laying gently intertwined with me, his head on top of my chest so he could hear my heartbeat. My fingers faintly combed through his ashen locks as we sat, quietly appreciating the gentle calm of the morning for a while. I was not willing to break the silence, instead allowing my lover to talk only if and when he felt like it. 

After what felt like hours but was, in reality, only a few minutes he took a deep inhale and let out a shaky sigh. I could tell that he was almost ready to say something so I moved my hands out of his silver curls and allowed him to sit up and face me once more. His previously wet cheeks were now no longer soaked with tears and red however he did still have slightly irritated eyes which was the only evidence left of his tears. We both now sat facing each other, our hands delicately intwined and I waited as long as he needed me to as he tried to find the words that he needed. 

"I- i um... I had dreamed of our return to Baldur's Gate and C-cazador's manor once more..." Astarion began to tell me about his nightmare and I could see tears well in his burgundy eyes once more so I squeezed his pale hand slightly, willing him to continue only if he wanted to, "When we returned to face my old captor, he had regained control over me and I could no longer control myself and...... and he- he made me k... kill you. Even though now I know that it was not real and that I do have enough autonomy to resist his influence... it just felt so real..." He trailed off, the tears slowly falling down his cheeks. I brought him closer into my embrace after I was sure that he was done with his explanation of  his dream. I once again ran my fingers softly through his silver locks before we laid under the tall oak tree once more. 

"That is a horrible dream Astarion but, fortunately for us, that is all that it was... When we return to Baldur's Gate and face Cazador he will wish that he had never made you his spawn. You will become his doom and nothing Cazador could do will change that. You are stronger than you could ever understand." I comforted him gently, allowing him to cry and gather himself in my arms. We spent most of the morning under that large oak tree listening to the bubbling brook and chirping birds. 

Hey hey guys! I hope you guys enjoyed this one! Thanks for your support! 

-LexLuther <3

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