Understanding (Halsin X Reader X Astarion)

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[Reader's PoV]

Laying between my elvish lovers, my eyes closed comfortably enjoying the gentle warmth of our campfire. The quiet breeze of the night and the subtle chirping of crickets caressing our senses ever so slightly. A contented but strangely disturbed sigh worked its way out of my mouth. 

"It's something quite the matter, Darling?" Astarion's silky voice gently broke through the calm. With this interruption bringing me back to the material plane from my horrifying and disturbed thoughts I was made ever so aware of both of my lovers nearly wide awake, looking after me with their wondrously protective nature. 

"N-no Astarion...I am just clouded by all of the memories of our journey so far..." My voice started off creaky and underused before finding it's calm stride. 

"Love, there have been so many strange and horrid things happening; although I can not say that I would give up anything that happened since if I did there is no guarantee that the fates would have still brought us all together." There was a strangely comfortable rumble that drew from Halsin's broad chest as I heard his gruff voice dissipate into our space. After the silence returned, so too did the somber air. A strange quiet engulfed me for a few moments, my thoughts seemingly began to surround and suffocate me. My breath hitched as I was suddenly jolted from my thoughts by a gentle, firm hand grasp on my waist. 

"Calm down, Darling. We've got you right now and nothing can get you here." Astarion's calming voice sounded even louder than my daunting thoughts. I felt Halsin grasp overtop of Astarion's own. Their comforting touches helped to calm my breathing. 

"T-thank you...thank you for-for understanding. I love you both so much." I stuttered quietly, tears finally falling gently down my face. 

"And we love you, My Heart." Halsin whispered in my ear as Astarion wiped my tears with the pads of his thumbs. We gently cuddled together on our large cot by the crackling fire before- eventually- falling asleep. 

-LexLuther <3  

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