Kar'Niss X Reader ANGST (Requested)

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Hi ya'll welcome! This is my first ever request yay! The-PaleMeme requested a Kar'Niss X Reader Angst so I hope I did a good job! If you want to request something please check the chapter titled Requests for info on how to do that! Just so ya'll know there are two endings in this one: a Fluff Ending and an Angsty ending so that everybody gets what they want hopefully!
Otherwise, I hope you all enjoy!

TW: Arguing, mentions of blood and bleeding, cursing.

Reader's PoV:

Most people in this strange world of Faerún that we all live in would consider me crazy- mad even- for living in a place as scary and hostile as the shadow-cursed lands surrounding moonrise towers. And maybe I am...crazy I mean. Not just anyone would choice to spend their life in this dark and eerie landscape unless they had a good reason, and my reason is Kar'niss.

Kar'niss is my lover, a usually calm and courteous drider man who believes that the darkness exists for light to shine as bright as it does...or at the very least he used to. When I met him he was that way, kind and even-keeled despite all that had occurred throughout his life but as of late, he's been working nonstop to prove himself to a 'Deity' that he calls the Absolute. Kar'niss said that his job, his one true purpose is to shepherd those worthy souls through the darkness towards Moonrise Towers and while I never really understood why he felt the need to do such a thing, I never stood in his way. I followed him along the way, supporting him, helping him to heal if something went wrong and of course loving him unconditionally. Things were going as decent as they could be given our hostile environment for a while until he started to be this 'shepherd' into the late hours of night and he would no longer take the time for me. Any of our conversations would devolve rapidly into arguments where neither of us was consolable by the end of our shouting. In the past few weeks we had many of these altercations and we had called each other many a harmful things and yet Kar'niss was gone far too often for either of us to resolve this situation.

While I did entirely want to resolve this, to fix everything to be better than it is currently I don't have the energy to do so. I had given up the hope that I had a few nights ago and I was exhausted.

All of these emotions and issues that we had been having finally came to an abrupt crescendo one night when he came home close to the middle of the night, bloody, bruised and he looked entirely defeated. Clearly he had been attacked while he was away that night because he had multiple jagged cuts that were torn through his pectoral muscles, causing deep red blood to spill over the rest of him and even onto the floor.

Immediately, I jumped up and gathered the medical supplies that we had- which wasn't very much unfortunately- and helped him get as comfortable as he was going to be. I helped to clean the fresh wounds and bandaged his torso and his left shoulder, where the largest of the cuts were, before starting to clean up after the medical treatments.

"Thank you, my love." Kar'niss stated, although his voice was hollow and insincere. I sighed quietly, unsure of how to approach all of the thoughts that were swirling about in my head.

"Kar'niss...w...what happened this evening?" I asked, my voice breaking slightly towards the end of my question.

"It was the Harpers...they had attacked us. I am just glad that Her Majesty granted me the strength to defeat our foes and return home to you." Kar'niss responded honestly to my question though he seemed to look straight past me. The Harpers were a group of good-doers who have been opposite my lover since we had arrived to this place and they seemed to always get in his way but they had never outright attacked him before...

"Is that all that happened today?" I asked despite the fact that I knew that he wouldn't tell me if the Absolute would not permit him to.

"Yes my love. That is all, stubborn Harpers attacked me." Yet again his voice was hollow, as though he was far away from me. I stood from my spot next to him and made my way towards my pack and bedroll on the floor and began to pack the few things that were left out away in my pack, "Love, what are you doing over there?" Finally I had caught Kar'niss' attention.

"I am packing away my belongings and I am leaving Kar'niss. Clearly the Absolute is the only thing that you have time for currently so I am not needed here any longer. I hope that, for your sake, we may never see each other again."

Fluff Ending

My harsh words seemed to shock Kar'niss out of his dazed state as he finally realized how foolish he had been.

"Please," He started moving towards me, "please do not leave my love. The last thing that I ever meant to do was alienate you or make you feel as though you were alone. Ever since I was cursed and abandoned by Lolth you have been there for me and I sincerely apologize for my distracted demeanor as of late. Now, with the Absolute's whispers inside my head my reality has been fractured, split into far too many pieces for me to keep track of them all." Kar'niss admitted, tears welling in all of his eyes. At this point, tears were starting to roll down my own cheeks as well.

"I understand that Kar'niss and I have been so, so unbelievably patient but I can not wait for you any longer. I need something more, I need you here, even if it's only at night. I need to not have to worry all of the time if you are going to come home to me. I love you, Kar'niss!" I exclaimed, desperately holding onto him-as though he would disappear if I let him go.

"And I love you, (Y/n). I will spend everyday until the end of time trying to prove that to you."

Angst Ending

I looked at Kar'niss for a moment longer, hopeful and even a bit expectant that he would change in this moment. That he would turn back into the loving and kind man that I had loved not that long ago. Or that maybe he would apologize because even an empty and meaningless apology would be far better than nothing at all. I was met with a numb and blank stare looking just past me. I sighed quietly before I turned and left our shambles of a 'house' before I finally let the salty tears drip silently down my face.

I hope you all enjoyed and I hope that I did this request very well!

Thanks so much for supporting my story! Love you all!

-Lex Luther <3

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