Chapter 1: Roscoe is found by Fagin and his dogs

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This was minutes after the train that killed Sykes passed through the tunnel.

Roscoe woke up.

He didn't know where he was or where his brother and owner were.

The right side of the Doberman's body was on fire.

Shaking, he slowly stood up.

His right front paw was in a lot of pain and was immobile. It seemed broken.

His vision became clear. DeSoto and Sykes were nowhere to be found.

The Doberman let out a loud bark, waiting for a response from his brother or Sykes, who might be looking for him now.

After two minutes, another dog's voice came and barked as well.

Unfortunately, it wasn't DeSoto's voice.

Roscoe would recognize his brother's bark. They lived together for 6 years.

That voice belonged to Roscoe's enemy, Dodger.

The Doberman began to growl as Fagin and his dogs approached him.

- Get out! - Roscoe yelled furiously, snapping his jaws at them

- We're sorry about DeSoto - Tito began

- For real? You don't have to be sorry. My brother is alive! He'll come back for me! I'll be waiting here! Ouch! - Roscoe groaned as he tried to move but his broken paw was causing him pain

- Don't do this! You'll hurt yourself - Fagin said, approaching him carefully

Roscoe's reaction was to growl and bare his fangs.

The Doberman was sore and didn't want anyone to touch him.

Fagin crouched down next to him.

Roscoe watched him.

The man started pet him gently.

Roscoe relaxed.

Fagin, with the help of his dogs, took Roscoe to the vet.

Here, Dr. Nancy decided that Roscoe would stay in the clinic and the next day he would have surgery.

The next day, 7:00 a.m....

Dr. Nancy came for Roscoe.

She gave him an injection that put him to sleep during the surgery.

3 hours later, 10:00 am....

Roscoe was wheeled out of the operating room. His surgery was complicated, but successful. His right front paw was in a plaster.

After 10 minutes, the Doberman opened his eyes and felt dazed by the effects of anesthesia.

The next day....

To Roscoe's surprise, Fagin came to visit him.

After being petted by him, Roscoe slowly started to get used to him, but he was still wary.

Fagin sat down next to him. He gently grabbed him and pulled him closer to him.

Surprisingly, the Doberman didn't struggle or growl.

He didn't know if it was the man's kindness towards him or the surprise caused by this gesture, but he didn't try to escape or break away.

When Roscoe had his front paws on Fagin's lap, he calmly put his head down and let himself be petted.

- Good boy - Fagin said, stroking the top of his head and then moving down to the back of his neck

Roscoe liked it. He was never petted.

Roscoe become a good dog (Oliver And Comoany Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now