Chapter 17

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For anyone that is confused, I messed up on the recent two chapters (I added a wrong section to the chapter by accident), that's why I re uploaded them. I apologise for the confusion.

None of the Gang felt like they ran so fast in their lives. The thing pursuing them could be heard thanks to the crashing trees from behind. No one dared to look back to see how far behind it was. It was a blessing that something that big was so slow. With how thin its legs were, it's possible that they were too fragile to go fast. No one wanted to test that out though. They needed to get as far away as they could. The bones in their legs rattled with every step in their sprint. Chests felt constricted as the humid air became hard to breathe. Hearts raced, struggling to keep up for the steady blood flow. Dirt was kicked up as small branches lightly scratched at their faces. Every time one of them stumbled, the person next to them was quick to keep them upright. After what felt like forever, the noises behind them stopped. The Gang gradually slowed down, believing that they were safe.

"I think we've lost it..." Dude panted, looking behind them. The coast was clear.

"Alright, who's not dead?" Misty suddenly asked. There were different groans from almost everyone. Sprout and Candi were slumped on the ground, sitting back to back. Rainbow was laying next to him, his tongue sticking out of his mouth as he was panting. Pip was leaning back on a tree for some support as she was catching her breath. Mimi was fanning herself with her hands, dreading the state of her hair since it was a nightmare enough to get it right in the middle of nowhere. Dude didn't appear to be that out of breath thanks to his athleticism, but he was still panting quite a bit. Same thing for Misty.

"Remind get...a gym membership..." Bud heaved, leaning on his knees as his glasses fogged up from his perspiration. Out of everyone else, he was the one that felt the most depleted. He wasn't the athletic type. The realisation that he ran so fast and far was a miracle to him.

"Dude you've got a workout buddy!" Pip announced jokingly. Dude heaved up a small laugh, grateful for a little bit of humour. He continued to keep an ear out for the monster, but right now, there was this sense of calmness in the air.

"What was that thing?!" Candi wailed before falling backwards as Sprout suddenly moved to stand up. His knees wobbled, threatening to buckle under him.

"Good question. Couldn't get that good of a look at it." Pip sighed as she offered a hand for the pink girl to stand up. Rainbow assisted a little as he stood up too. Mimi had stopped fanning herself at this point, shuddering at the prospect of how dirty she looked right now. Not only is Dude paying for her spa day, but if she needs to take her clothes to the dry cleaners, he's footing the bill for that too.

"One thing that I know for certain, we're lost!" She declared hopelessly, looking all around. Trees, tress and more tress. Why can't there be a path?! That would make everything so much easier!

"Bud, the map!" Dude urgently reminded.

"Here!" Bud declared, shaking off his exhaustion from that reminder. He brought up the digital map on his watch. Dude carefully got close enough to have a look, while giving his friend some personal space. Bud pointed to the red dot that was on the tiny screen. "According to my calculations, we're right here! We're getting closer to the temple."

"Guess that thing chasing us was a blessing in disguise." Pip commented. A blessing? Or another coincidence? Something really felt off right now. Dude kept looking over at the area where the monster was left behind. So far, no sign of it. Just nothing but greenery. Either that thing was moving slower than everyone else initially feared, or the jungle became too dense for it to follow. Either way, it's not a good idea to hang around.

"We better keep moving. I don't want that thing catching us." Dude immediately spoke up. Nearly everyone else let out a defeated groan around him, but they didn't protest about it. Better to be safe than sorry.

"Dude, I think this confirms an earlier theory of mine." Bud thought it was a good time to give a reminder.

"What's that?" Candi asked curiously.

"Something doesn't want the Sceptre to be put back." Bud stated, shuddering at something. A chill hung in the air about that reminder. First it was the earthquake that happened right as the Gang started their mission. And then this monster just emerges out from whatever pit it crawled out of. While it would deter anyone, the Gang have come too far to give up now. They just need to be on more high alert.

"You're right. And that reminds me." Dude agreed, before his eyes landed on where the Sceptre was. "Misty, how are you with the Sceptre?"

"I'm fine." Misty rolled her eyes. She still appeared to be okay, but it could still be an act. She might just not want to share the artefact.

"Swap with someone as soon as you start to feel bad." Dude sternly reminded. "We can't afford to slow down anymore."

"Whatever you say!" Misty shrugged before she started walking away. Candi eagerly started to keep up with her. Since she was still a little wobbly, Rainbow acted like a crutch to help keep her steady. Pip and Sprout started following, with Bud trailing behind them.

"Mind filling us in on something?" Mimi asked, immediately turning to Dude.

"Yeah, but as we walk." Dude insisted, gently pushing Mimi to walk with him. The faster they move, the safer (he hopes) they'll be.

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