Chapter 7

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A week had gone by and things have run somewhat smoothly.

True to what Dude requested, their first show was put together quite quickly. Beside The Sea became quite a hit. There were only a couple of issues. One was that everyone aside from Mimi weren't used to being on stage and performing. Sprout was somewhat okay, but since he never had a chance to perform in front of an audience before, he was still a little shaky. In all honesty, everyone else felt lucky about the fact that they can sing at all. Thankfully, since the public understood that the new Skyline Gang only did their first show, they weren't too upset about any fumbles. Maybe it was from experience that they got from the old Skyline Gang.

One thing that most people had an issue with was Misty just appearing out of nowhere. The way that they introduced her was almost the same way that she manifested. They even made a prop of the spell book and everything. It created a bit of an uproar. When the first show was finished, some of the adults went into a rant right in the Gang's faces. Each angry shout held the same message. The haters didn't want Misty there, not when no one else had the chance to join the Gang. One even tried throwing a drink at them, but was stopped when security was called forth.

Despite the hate though, Misty was still welcomed in. Even the kids took a shine to her. She started to come out as her own character even more. She truly showed off how much of an opposite she was to Candi. While Candi was sweet and openly welcomed any hug, while Misty was rude and pushed away any hug given to her. Candi would be willing to help, while Misty played tricks on everyone, calling herself a mischief. It suited her well. No matter how much they tried to keep a tight rein on her, Misty just ran circles around the Gang and Redcoats, even Dude sometimes had trouble keeping up with her. They try to be patient with her, but it'll take one bad day and then she'll be in a lot of trouble.

The only blessing that Misty brought was that she stayed in her room when it came to sleep. Sometimes the Gang would hear her moving around or muttering to herself. Turned out she's not an easy sleeper. The others offered to help her, but she turned down every offer. She sleeps eventually, just like everyone else. This night was no different. Each member of the Gang settled down into their beds. The day was long and tiring, offering a peaceful sleep. And a peaceful sleep they had received. Dude however, didn't. He was in a tangled mess of his bed sheets, tossing and turning uncontrollably. His voice was breathless, coming out in various forms of whimpering and gasping. Sweat poured from his forehead, soaking his hair and pillow. He was trapped in his sleep. His fearful subconsciousness plagued his entire being.

This intense cold.

Darkness swarming around.

His feet not touching the ground.

A tightening, threatening, sensation around his throat.

Grey skin.

Blue eyes.

Black hair.

Long fingers and fingernails.

A voice that rivalled the harshest of winters.

"I'm not done!"

Dude sat bolt upright. There was a steam hammer in his chest. His skull felt like it was going to split open. Blood rushing through his body so fast, it threatened to liquify him. Vision blurry, the task of focusing became impossible. The cold air wrapping around Dude like a blanket.

Cold? What was it so cold?!

His window was open by a crack, but it shouldn't be that cold.

Heart still pounding, Dude's eyes finally focused. The darkness around him became clear. His room seemed dark navy blue at night, the sports posters on his walls were dull. Nothing seemed that out of place, except for one corner on the room. Why was it so black. That corner was empty, there shouldn't be anything there. There was this tall, intimidating figure, their eyes piercing through the darkness.

"Hello, pipsqueak."

That voice!

Grey skin!

Blue eyes!

Black hair!

Long fingers and fingernails!



It can't be her! She's gone! She's gone! They all saw it! She disintegrated right before their eyes!

Dude didn't know what else to do. He just twisted his body to switch on the bedside lamp. He looked back at the darkened spot in the room. Dawn was gone. Not a speck of her and her darkness lingered. The room didn't even feel cold anymore. Just...a hallucination, right? Dawn never needed to be brought up. She hadn't been spoken of since she was vanquished. No one would speak about her. She was just a memory now. A memory that was doomed to be forgotten, with all of the questions still surrounding her. Even Misty didn't know much about her. She heard the stories about her from the Gang, but nothing more. Even then, she never brought up Dawn at all. Not even a question. Dawn was being forgotten.

So why? Why have a nightmare about her now?!

So why? Why have a nightmare about her now?!

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Artwork is mine. I HATE DRAWING HANDS!

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