Chapter 16

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Short chapter. I think writer's block is starting to get to me a little.

"Are we there yet?"


"Are we there yet?"


"Are we there yet?"


"Are we-"

"Sprout! I will whack you with this thing if you ask one more time!"

Bud let out a frustrated sigh as he got between Misty and Sprout. Again. This wasn't the first time that Sprout started his little wind ups. It probably won't be the last either at this rate. The problem was that Misty seemed to be the main target. He just liked winding her up despite her threatening him constantly. Dude and Bud both took turns in breaking up the arguments. The less that Sprout continues his games, the faster they can finish off their side quest. The problem is that his behaviour is like a boomerang. No matter how many times he's forced to throw it away, it comes back within the next couple of minutes. Maybe letting Misty give him a piece of his mind will shut him up. However, it was best to not find out right now. So far there was too much anxiety. Ten minutes and still no sign of the others. Maybe Bud was a little off on his calculations after all. Hopefully it was only a little. The less chances of them getting further away from each other the better.

"She's the one that started it!" Sprout whined as Misty pulled a face at him. Seeing as how Bud was going to be no help, he turned to the front of the pack where Dude was leading. "Dude! Back me up!"

"Sh!" Dude suddenly hissed, stopping in his tracks. He was so abrupt that everyone was stunned for a few seconds. He glanced around him a little, as if he were looking for something.

"Dude just shushed me!" Sprout whinged, crossing his arms.

"Maybe you've finally-" Misty smirked, ready to get back at him for his annoyance.

"SH!" Dude repeated with more urgency. Before Misty could start a rambling, he cut her off instantly. "Listen! Do you hear that?"

The three were so rapid to stay silent that it was like setting a world record. This whole jungle had been abnormal from the start. That entire time, there were no animal sounds. The only time that there were any signs of life was before the earthquake when birds called out their warnings and that incident with the scorpion. After that, there was nothing. Being a jungle, the Gang would've thought that there would be an animal or two crossing their path. Maybe the creatures here sensed the Sceptre in their territory and were quick enough to evacuate. It was the silence that amplified what Dude was hearing right now. The ground was shifting, as if it were being stepped on. Branches snapped, leaves crumpled, vegetation stepped on. More than once per step. An animal or two? It was hard to tell, especially since footfalls were the only things that can be heard. And they sounded like they were getting closer.

Reinforcing his order to stay quiet, Dude put a finger to his lips. Sprout covered his mouth with both his hands. Bud covered Misty's mouth as she looked like was about to shout on purpose. Dude scrambled to find a makeshift weapon before picking up a fallen branch the length of a baseball bat. He concentrated on where the sound was coming from. He crept as silently as he could to a wide tree. It was enough to conceal him until this thing got closer. His hair on the back of his neck stood on end. Sweat dripped from his brow. His fists became pearly white as he clutched the branch, poising it like an actual baseball bat. If he can swing it hard enough, he might buy his friends some time to run.


Deep breathe.

Just a little more.


Dude leaped out, pulling the branch back. He was ready to swing it hard when a chorus of screams caused his to freeze.


"Girls? Rainbow?" Dude responded to the screams. Rainbow shook his head, groaning at how stupid Dude had acted. Mimi and Candi were holding each other in fright. Pip looked shocked herself, but then looked quite upset as she stomped up to Dude.

"Don't scare us like that!" She seethed, pushing the blue one a little out of anger.

"S-sorry!" Dude stuttered, throwing the branch away. He was really glad that he didn't hit any of them. He could have caused some serious damage.

"Hey Candi!" Sprout called over to the reunited members of the Gang. He and Bud were equally relieved to see them and that they didn't appear to be hurt by Dude's recklessness. Misty was smirking a little, seeing the whole thing as something comedic. Well, she wasn't causing any trouble right now, so let's try hope she keeps it that way.

"Hi Sprout! Glad to see you all again!" Candi waved eagerly, hiding one hand behind her back.

"Are you all okay?" Bud asked, approaching the others.

"Aside from the bug bites, dirt, a cut Candi sustained and a broken nail from Mimi, I think we're all good." Pip grinned, her anger towards Dude dissipating. Rainbow bounced back and forth between Misty and Bud, wagging his tail furiously. Mimi rolled her eyes a little from what Pip said, but decided not to complain about her own problems right now. She was just eager to get this done so that she can finally have her spa day. Dude meanwhile was looking over at Candi while she was talking with Sprout about her adventure with the girls and Rainbow. That's when he noticed the hand that she had stopped hiding. It was bandaged up, just like Misty's was.

"What happened Candi?" Dude asked as he gently approached her and Sprout. Sprout's eyes darted to her hand and looked a bit surprised himself.

"We were doing a bit of climbing to get higher ground." Candi grinned sheepishly as she allowed Dude to take a look at the appendage. "I cut myself on one of the rocks. It's not a big deal." No, it wasn't a big deal. But there was something off here. Misty's hand got hurt too. It was a short time ago. Candi's hand was also injured. It must have happened around the same time. Dude wondered if Candi's cut was the exact same as the one Misty had. It was like an identical twin situation. A coincidence? A link between the two? Or was it something else? Another strange thing that's happening that's centred around Misty, but now Candi was the one dragged into it.

Suddenly the peace was broken when Rainbow started growling. Everyone stopped talking or being wrapped up in their own worlds. Rainbow's hackles were up, body low and alert. His eyes were directed at one particular direction. It was rare to see him acting like this. The only time that he would be this aggressive is when he's attempting to protect his friends. He might be cute and fluffy, but he knew when to fight back for the humans he loves. The others felt their hearts starting to race at this sudden change. They watched the same space that he was glaring at. They could hear something above his growling. There was crushing of the underbrush again. However, this time it was much, much louder, bolder. Trees being broken and knocked over. There was something that could be seen through the trees still standing. Something dark, like a shadow.

"What's that?" Mimi whimpered, taking a few steps back. Candi let out a short "eep", hugging Sprout as he got just as scared as she was. Other than that response, no one answered directly, they just watched the thing coming towards them. A large bulky body that was mostly concealed by the greenery. Long, spindly legs like a spider heaved it, knocking any small tree that was in its way. There was this sound like heavy breathing. This thing must be taking a lot of effort to make its thin legs carry its body. It was coming towards the Gang, not caring how tired it appeared to be from it effort to move.

"Run!" Dude shouted, not wanting to look at that thing any more. The best thing to do right now was run. There is no way that the Gang could fight back. Thankfully, no one decided to go against it. Even Rainbow changed his mind after his brief act of bravery. He knows that eh didn't have a chance against this thing. No one does. The best thing to do right now is run away! And hope that this thing doesn't suddenly speed up and catch the Gang!

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