33 Lemon WARNING ⚠️

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Kashimo closed his eyes as small electric bolts crossed around him and his hair spiked up.
"No tengo que hacerlo. I don't have to show you. You'll be dead before." Closing your hands together Kashimo prepared himself for your attacks. "The King of curses, what all does he have to do with you?"

Sukuna tapped his shoulder off casually walking up to you before looking at Kashimo. "Beat it brat!" Before Kashimo could do anything he felt something smash against his face so hard he smashed up against a wall.

Sukuna lifted you up in his arms. "I don't like you with others, y/n."
"I could have handled him!"
"No, you couldn't. You are not ready."
Sukuna disappeared with you in his arms.

"It's beautiful up here!" You shouted leaning up against the balcony seeing the city. Sukuna stood behind you with an apathetic look.
"Y/n. You really don't remember this place so you?" He reached out to you as you looked back at him seeing his hand out. "What is it?" You rested your hand in his feelings his fingers close on your hand.

He slowly walked behind you covering your eyes as he led you inside the building. Removing his hands away from your eyes your smile faded seeing the room, recognizing the sofa, kitchen. Slowly walking inside you held your hand close to your chest looking at your apartment.
"You. You fixed my apartment?"

Sukuna watched you silently as you looked at the table in the center with a portrait and a book on the side. Hotel California was playing in the background from your radio.

Picking up the portrait was a picture of him, you and the Coco Puff. Your eyes watered as you felt this awfully horrible painful feeling build up into your stomach and chest.
"Coco Puff." you shivered as you set the picture down and looked at the book. Opening it up you smiled wiping the tears away.

Pictures of Sukuna, Coco Puff, you. When the park was still intact. "Coco Puff loved that Tree." Sukuna slowly walked up behind you wrapping his arms around you nuzzling his face into your neck. "I know."
Setting the book down you looked into his eyes.
Feeling him wipe your tears away. Even seeing that look on you he wasn't sure why this would make you cry. It didn't matter..he felt some relief seeing you cry. Crying to him means you are in pain. Though it is twisted, seeing you cry made him feel relief. Seeing you have emotions.

"Don't ever forget who you are. Don't ever try to be something you are not. Leave everything to me." Sukuna knew you had pushed to forget about your pain. To forget about everything. To become something you are not.
"I want you just the way you are."

"Thank you." You said smiling and crying at the same time. His eyes widened before they narrowed again.
"I'm, I'm going to take a shower.." you started to walk away as he held your hand feeling it leave his.

Sukuna looked at the portrait and around the apartment. "This is home." He smirked looking at the photo album with Coco Puff asleep with you.

As the shower ran you took in a deep breath feeling those tears stream down as you tried to block away those feelings. Sukuna had fixed everything. And even made a couple of adjustments. Your bathroom wasn't the same. The handles and shower head were gold. "My home.." You said softly .
The steam had covered the entire bathroom.
Sukuna snuck in the shower slowly stepping up he was behind you and you didn't even know it.

Slowly he touched your shoulder. "AA!" You squirted your body soap on him as he stared at you. "Don't do that! It scares me! Are you asking to get hurt? See you made me squirt!"
Sukuna rolled his eyes to the side before letting out a smirk. "OO yeah! Body soap will hurt anyone! But you don't know what squirting is baby girl!"

"Well! You are lucky it didn't get in your eye! Have you ever had soap get into your eye?"

Sukuna smirked. "Soap? Please, that won't do anything to -" Sukuna stopped when he felt some of the soap touch his small eye beneath his left eye. "It burns..." He rubbed it as it burned and stung and made it feel numb. "You see!"
"Shut up! I can't see!"
" It's just the one eye not all of your eyes! Stop squirming! Come here!" You pulled him beneath the shower head looking away as he raised his head up to the shower head. His muscles flexing with you underneath. Seeing the lines, the strains, the movement. Suddenly his hand touched the wall behind you as you looked at his extended arm before trailing your eyes back to him. He was leaning in making you blush red.

Unhinged Sukuna X Reader Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ