END 39. "He's just an angry mew mew" 👀

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Sukuna was on his knees as he looked at you and Hajime. His eyes burning with rage as he stood back up grabbing the spear pulling it out. The bleeding wouldn't stop the wound wouldn't close. "Jeezz who the hell is that? The King of curses, how pathetic." Hajime stuck his tongue out.

"He is not my boyfriend. That there is my beloved husband." You said grinding your teeth.
Reaching over the spear that Sukuna tossed over the roof. It shot straight up to the sky as Sukuna jumped back his heart almost skipping a beat.
"Are you fucking serious? Y/n? Y/n, this basterd just wiped out a city! He destroyed our Kentucky fucking Fried Chicken joint! And you corrected me?! Your husband?! Are you fucking crazy?! What the hell is wrong with you?!"

The spear shot straight up to the sky before coming back down into your hand as the end of the staff slammed into the ground cracking the ground.
"He's not a monster!!"

"Y/n, see this hand! This hand is made to slap bitches like you! He's a Fucking murder!!"

"No he's not. He's my husband. My little mew mew."
Sukuna could feel you from where he was. "I always knew you were holding back. Such curse of creation. Only limited by your restrictions."
Sukuna smiled a genuine smile lowering his gaze as he looked down at you with admiration, tenderness. "See he's pouting, he looks like a cat." You said as he could hear you.
Breathing in deeply he looked at his hand that had his blood from his shoulder wound as the mouth appeared licking it.

"Your little mew mew?" Hajime looked at you confused, weirded out and confused.

"But sadly yes, I am now married to him. Our contract broke. A new one was created. His restrictions have been lifted. Hajime, I need to save whoever survived. I'm the cause of this.. I didn't understand what he was saying."

"He tricked you into marrying him?" Hajime looked at your face seeing your eyes lower.
"This ring." You held your hand up showing the blood diamond to Hajime. Hajime reached out to your wrist trying to take it off. "No! No! Marriage to a King of Curses! Divorce him! So many red flags! Even the ring is red!" Hajime stopped watching your expression hiding behind those eyes was sadness. Defeat and confusion. "Here." Hajime took off his sweater as you blushed looking at his abs as he stretched his arms upwards removing his sweater.

Hajime walked over putting the sweater on you covering your clothes. "It'll keep you safe from the flames."
You blushed touching the sweater as Hajime stood shirtless. "I knew you liked me. At least I would have let you decide on marrying me. Sadly I think you are too crazy. Let me see what I can do." You let him tug and pull your finger with the ring. "Y/n, I'm going to break your finger and rip it off."

"I don't think he would like that." You said shutting your eyes embracing yourself.
"You thought you could fix him. Nah, you just made him worse. Let me see what I can do. I don't care what that basterd thinks. He can think about my asshole for all I care." Hajime examined the ring on your finger.

Time stood still a solitude between you and him.
Sukuna looked at his wound as he narrowed his eyes not able to heal. Feeling that Hajime was attempting to remove the ring. Hearing him express that he would break your finger boiled Sukuna.

"Boy, you better watch your mouth. She's mine! Fuck boy!" Sukuna closed his hands together making his first fingers, middle fingers and pinky meet and bend down leaving the third fingers pointing up. It looked like a heart.
Your markings appeared as Hajime looked up seeing four arm Sukuna appear behind you smiling menacingly at Hajime.
Hajime froze, slowly letting go of your hand as Sukuna from the roof top swung his arm out.
Four armed Sukuna cursed spirits who had manifested behind you swung its arm at Hajime slamming his chest sending him flying into a burning building.

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