13. Foolish Woman

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You ran as fast as you could. Lungs burning legs aching, body felt like a stone. Your nose bled from the way you were pushing yourself. Exhausted you looked back to make sure he wasn't following you.

"I lost him." You swallowed hard. "I need to get back. Who knows what has happened while I've been gone!" You sucked up enough air. Though your ribs hurt and your lungs burned you kept on running. Stopping you groaned covering the side of your abdomen from where you were bleeding.

Gripping your hands into fists the blood felt hot.
The one hunting you landed behind you. "Just accept it y/n. You have no techniques, you have no power. From what we were informed you have heavenly restrictions like Maki. How you manage to see cursed spirits is beyond my understanding. Abominations like you should be eliminated. Between us I never trusted you, step sister of Geto there is bad blood in you."
He said as a blade came out from his arm.

"I have a dirty mind. I have filthy ways of thinking things out. One might call it being a pervert. But I'm going to show you what's really crazy and disgusting. Some may call it insanity, but I never learned." Panting you breathed heavily. "I'm free now. I no longer have to accept things as they are! I can make my own decisions and my own mistakes. I'll do them over and over until it works the way I want it to."

Resting your hand on the ground you let yourself bleed out until there was a puddle of blood. Popping iron pills your mouth shutting your closed as you inhaled and exhaled hearing your heart beat. Feeling the blood circulating through your body. "Fuck your ways!"  You shouted as you pushed yourself with tears to keep moving forward. The puddle of blood shot out multiple blood shaped spear heads.

"Your dead y/n." He shouted.
He blocked your blood spear attack with his metal arm as the blood from the spears dropped down he examined the spear heads. Looking up he charged forward as you smiled. "I'm coming Sukuna. Wait for me."


"Are you ready?" Sorcerers surrounded Sukuna as he kept his eyes on the rising sun.
"Pfft." He stood up turning to look at the sorcerers surrounding him. "Am I to be executed. Or is this your execution?" He asked the sorcerers.

One had short black hair with a hand gun. Another with white hair mouth covered by the collar of his jacket.
A witch with a broom that floated above him.
A blue haired girl with a sword.
A man with a sword as well with a cigarette in his mouth.
And Zenin Naobito.
The Robot was below the building. Starring up.
"Surrounder now and we'll make your death quick." Naobito said cockily.

Sukuna smirked.
"Don't underestimate yourselves now. I won't make the promise of a quick death. Even if you surrended." He turned around with a menacing smile.

You looked up seeing Sukuna at the edge of a building.

"Shit! Now he's getting all suicidal on me! If you are going to jump do a fucking BACKFLIP!" Looking at the building you were panting tired as you fell on your knees. The bleeding wound from your rib wouldn't't stop.
"I'm run-im running low." Your vision would blur in and out. The fatigue makes your body feel like a stone.

"Fucking Tampax." You reached in your pocket for a new one. Removing the one from your wound. You put in a new one.
"Oh God!!" You screamed between your teeth inserting it inside.

"So not getting paid for this kind of shit. My throat is so dry. Probably going into shock soon." Looking around you grabbed a rock and wobbled as far as you could. Sucking in air into your lungs. You stood strong as you took your aim. Throwing your arm back you counted your blessing.

"Special technique my ass. Don't ever question me!" You shouted as you tossed the rock with all your might. Falling forward on your face as the rock went and went and went with a furious speed. Spinning. It actually went up high enough to tap Sukuna lightly on his back.

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