Part 16

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Your ex was gone.

Never to be seen, and never to be heard.

So as you thought.

He was never bothering you.

He never came back to the house since that night.

Is this the end?

You thought.

You hoped it was the end.

The end of the misery he put you and your boyfriend through.

Your boyfriend never mentioned him ever seeing or talking to your ex so maybe he was gone?

Hopefully forever.

You thought everything would go back to normal.

Having the life before this.

You were happy and didn't have to worry about anything.

Then your ex boyfriend had to just ruin it
all, right?

All of this you were thinking in your head.

You were getting excited of the thought your ex being gone for good.

But I guess all wishes don't come true.

Your boyfriend got a call from his crew.

"Boss!" One of the men shouted.

"It's 3am, what?!" He asked.

"We have company." One of the men

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