Part 1 (His Pov)

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Someone shouted from across the warehouse, "BOSS, RUN!!" Without any hesitation, my men and I ran far away from the warehouse and into our cars.

We had no idea what was happening, all I was thinking about was my girfriend.

On our way to my house, my phone started to ring.

I picked up, "Boss, is everything
alright?! One of men called me, it was Marco, my assistant.

"Yes Marco we are fine, is my girlfriend okay??" I was worried about my girtfriend, more then what just happened at the warehouse.

She didn't need to know any of this, It would break her. "Yes boss, she good, but-"  Marco stopped.

"But what? SPIT IT OUT MARCO!" I shouted, getting upset thinking something might've happened to her.

"Okay, okay. It's a lot of tears over here"
Marco said stuttering. "Tell her I'll be home soon, and don't say anything else, got it?! I said with a stern voice.

"Got it."  Marco repeated.

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