eleven| if i can't have happiness, I'll give it to you

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Watching as Jasper left him alone, Stephanos breath trembled as nothing but Jasper’s disappointed face replayed in his mind. He then took a seat on one of the benches with a sigh, putting his face in his hands and if he was capable, he would’ve cried.

“Stephanos?” Alec’s voice rang through the gallery, he walked into the room slowly,”What’s happened?” he questioned, he had seen Jasper on his way here but the southern vampire walked past hastily

“What am I doing wrong?” Stephanos asked brokenly, alarming Alec,”I-I can’t keep changing everything so quickly. It-i-i-it’s not-not possible to just disregard what’s real, wh-wh-what has always been true. Wh-why doesn't he understand that?” his voice cracked, looking up at Alec with venom filled eyes

“W-why does no one understand!?” Stephanos screamed, the powerful vocals cracking the glass in the room as he breathed heavily,”Why am I so hard to understand?” he murmured, shaking his head as he looked down at his shaky hands,”I-I don’t think i can handle this pain anymore, this is not a life,” he muttered hysterically

“Stephanos, please calm down,” Alec tried his best to soothe him,”Take some deep breaths please, everything is alright-” he continued to try but it didn’t seem like Stephanos could hear him properly as he continued to mutter to himself

“I want it to end, I want it to end,” Stephanos repeated like a prayer, his words tempting Alec to call for reinforcements,”End this please,” he pleaded

Using his gift, Alec cut off Stephanos’s senses in hopes that it would calm his overwhelmed self,”Stephanos can you hear me?” he questioned, earning a small nod,”I need you to try and relax for me, okay? It’s going to be okay, whatever you’re thinking is not true. You are understood, and you are loved,” he stated calmly

“I can’t keep changing everything,” Stephanos whispered, putting his face in his hands once more

“That’s okay,” Alec told him softly,”You don’t have to,”

“But I don’t want to disappoint him, none of them,” Stephanos voice cracked again, his hands beginning to shake again,”All I do is disappoint them, all of you. I know I do-”

“No, Steph-”

“I do, and it’s all because of this stupid curse,” Stephanos exclaimed, looking at his gloved hands,”why must my life always be a tragedy? Why couldn’t one life I lived be happy? Don’t I deserve happiness?” he began to dryly sob

“Of course you do, my prince,” Alec immediately replied, his heart breaking as he had never seen his other half so broken,”More than anyone,”

Stephanos then looked up at him, looking completely disconnected,”Then how come I’m not? I have my mate in my grasp and yet I'm still not happy, and not only am I not happy but I’ve brought him misery as well,” he told him in a whisper,”When do I get my happiness, Alec?”

Alec froze at the question, not knowing how to respond.

He stood there as Stephanos looked up at him intently, obviously waiting, needing an answer but he never gave him one.

How could he?

Only the universe could answer such a question.


Stephanos’s question repeated itself in his mind for hours. He couldn't seem to think of anything else but the possibility of being happy or having some source of the emotion.

It was foreign to him, how such emotion felt. He had been riddled with having nothing but negativity in both his human and vampire life. Sure he had moments of tranquility but that’s not happiness.

It would never be what it’s not.

That’s when it hit Stephanos.

He could never be what he’s not, he could never not be the cursed prince he was. It was inevitable and utterly impossible for that to change. This in his mind also meant it was impossible for happiness.

It was the only logical conception of this. No touch, no way around disappointment, equaled no happiness.

But it didn’t mean he couldn’t try and make sure that Jasper was happy. He truly didn’t know if he could take disheartening Jasper once more. Stephanos figured it was now his time to be the understanding and loving mate.

It was what Jasper deserved, so he’d make it his priority to make it happen. To give Jasper that happiness in every way that he could.


Jasper was sitting next to the window in his room, looking out of it, lost in thought. He looked saddened and defeated.

All he wished for was to have his mate meet his family. Was that so hard to ask for?

He was suddenly broke from his mind when a knock was heard,”Come in,” Jasper called out, looking at the door that opened to reveal the prince

“Is it okay if I speak with you?” Stephanos questioned, fidgeting with his hands nervously
“Of course,” Jasper mumbled, smiling tightly as his mate walked into the room more

“I want to apologize-” Stephanos started

“You don’t have to-” Jasper cut him off only to be cut off himself

“No I do, I do,” Stephanos insisted, and sighed,”I know this has been hard for you. These past few months and I’m well aware I have not made it easy for you, at all. And you have tried your best to deal with me a-and because of that I owe you so much,” he muttered, looking straight into Jasper’s eyes,”So I want to give you everything that I’m capable of bestowing upon you,”

Letting his words sink in, Jasper held back a smile,”What’re you trying to say?”

“Would me going to visit your family with you make you happy?” Stephanos questioned, causing Jasper’s eyes to widen slightly

“Yes,” Jasper answered softly, smiling softly as his heart swelled at the thought of Stephanos coming with him

“Then I will try my best to make that a possibility,” Stephanos replied, swiftly turning in order to talk to his fathers

“Steph,” Jasper called out, causing Stephano to turn and look at him questioningly,”While I want you there, I won’t mind what the outcome is because I know you tried. That would make me exceptionally happy,” he told him softly

“I’ll be seeing you, Jasper,” Stephanos said, a small smile on his lips as he then left the room to make his way to his fathers

A/N: Do you think the kings will let him leave?

cursed with touch ∆ Jasper Hale Where stories live. Discover now