six | I want you there with me. . . please

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“It’s around that time once more,” Marcus murmured, as he and his son played chess in his study

Sighing, Stephanos moved a pawn,”I know,” he replied calmly, wondering why his father had brought this up

“Have you told Jasper?” Marcus questioned, raising a brow and sighing when his son avoided his eyes,”Steph-”

“Papa,” Stephanos said back,”I don't think he needs to know,” he told him, gesturing for his father to take his turn

“You don't think he should know that his mate will be facing an antipathy that causes you to isolate yourself from civilization?” Marcus questioned, an unamused expression rested on his face, moving a pawn of his own

“When you put it that way, it sounds careless,” Stephanos muttered,leaning his head on hs hand with a sigh,”But the truth is that I’m scared,” he revealed slowly

“Why’re you scared, little one?” Marcus asked in a soft voice,”Jasper has been so understanding so far, I’m sure he’ll understand with reasoning,” he said, becoming confused when his son shook his head with a smile

“No, that’s not what I’m scared of papa,” Stephanos chuckled, and sighed rubbing his hands together nervously,”I actually want..” he paused, clearing his throat,”I want him there with me,” he whispered

Staring at his son in subtle shock, Marcus was both impressed and surprised by the prince’s words. He had obviously grown from his stubborn ways towards his mate. The king could tell by the way the string of light which held their bond in his eyes glowed significantly brighter.

“Are you sure?” Marcus questioned, not expecting this out of him

“No,” Stephanos chuckled, looking incredibly nervous,”Being around him gives me a sense of-”

“Comfort,” Marcus finished, smiling at his son happy he finally got to experience what so many vampires had in their immortal life

“Yes,” Stephanos smiled softly, nodding his head,”Those sessions are the hardest and most stressful moments, and I think Jasper’s presence would make it bearable…easier to go through with it,” he explained, earning a proud look from his papa

“You’re finally embracing the bond,” Marcus stated proudly, his smile growing by the second,”I’m proud of you, little one,” he told him

“But that’s also what I’m scared of,” Stephanos said, the smile falling from his lips a more somber expression taking over

“What’s scaring you?” Marcus asked gently, concern written all over his face

“I don’t want him to see me when..” Stephanos trailed off, letting out a shaky breath

“He will not judge you, Stephan,” Marcus told him softly,”And there is possibility it will not happen this time,” he tried to convince

Scoffing, Stephanos shaking his head,”I will not be able to get over this curse so suddenly. Nothing changes because of a mating bond,” he stated harshly, rolling his eyes at his papa’s words

“Perhaps,” Marcus replied easily, his son’s outbursts not new to him,”However, there is great possibility that with your mates presence you will not have, uh what does mio Aro call it, a flare up,” he told him, earning a sigh

“We’ll see,” Stephanos murmured, finally taking his turn in their game


“Your papa told me you were thinking of having Jasper join you on your next session,” Caius spoke as he walked in his son's study, Stephanos looked up at him from the poem he was reading

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