Diaz and well Diaz

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So I'm back at bucks when I get the text from eddie and I never thought I'd feel my heart break all over again atleast until the phone call. I'm supposed to go to the station with Evan tomorrow so hopefully it goes better than it did earlier today.

Hopefully tomorrow is better but for now I'm going to bed or atleast try to I'm terrified hell find me and I'm just putting everyone in danger.

Next day

About 3 hours into me being at the station they get a call and have to leave so buck gave me the keys to go back to his but on the way back I get this feeling that I'm being followed so I try to lose the person and that's when I saw him. Jaiden Mark Jacobs my ex and the man I'm running from. He found me and now everyone is in danger because of me so I do what I do best recently and I run and I don't stop until I find myself at the dispatch office so I run in and text the only person I know there and pray she can help. After Maddie came down and got me we went upstairs and she took her break so we could talk and went o a room Sue calls the quiet room.

Maddie:okay so what's going on? Nobody has ever asked me not to tell someone something especially when it's family.

Gracelynn:About a year ago I got into a relationship with this guy named Jacob and it was all going really good until one day when I got back from visiting my parents. Jacob lost it as soon as I walked into the house and threw me to the ground and started beating me like I as a grown man trying to kill him. After he finished he just went to bed and slept like he didn't just try killing me. After that he beat me basically everyday until that got to boring for him and he started tell sell me to his friends and men he'd meet on the street. When I got pregnant from what was happening he beat me until I miscarried. That happened about a week ago when I disappeared so I came here to the only place I thought I was safe until about an ago when I saw him on the way back to Evan's. Maddie I ran to keep my parents safe and now alive done is put everyone else in danger. I'm so sorry

Maddie: You've not told anyone about this? Gracelynn eddie needs to know

Gracelynn: I told buck that I was raped but I didn't go into detail or even mention the abuse or anything. Maddie I'm so sorry I shouldn't have come here but I got scared and 118 is on a call well was by now.

Maddie:Don't apologize Gracelynn you did the right thing. I can call Athena and have her come pick you up and take you to Buck's. You have his keys right?

Gracelynn: yes I do. He gave them to me on the out to the call

After we talked and Athena took me back to Buck's I locked the doors and hid up in his bedroom until he got home and when he did I was hid away in his closet scared that it was him until I heard eddie him amd someone else talking and I slowly came out of hiding and stayed out of eye view to see who they were talking to and froze when I saw Jacob. Jacob was in the one place that I thought was safe so I put on a fake face and went downstairs pretending everything was okay until Jacob tried hugging me and I broke.

Buckley and Little DiazWhere stories live. Discover now