A Bittersweet Coffee 🥀

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-"Would you like some coffee?"

Neslihan asked softly, her voice cutting through the heavy silence that enveloped the room. She felt a desperate need to break free, the weight of his presence stirring up a whirlwind of emotions within her-beautiful yet terrifying.

Butterflies waged a fierce battle in her stomach, reminiscent of their awkward first date when both of them were lost in shyness. Each passing moment with him threatened to unravel her resolve, tempting her towards actions she might later regret.

-"If that's alright with you." güven replied, his own struggle mirrored in his eyes.

He felt the same overwhelming rush of emotions whenever he was near her, his resolve crumbling in the face of her captivating presence. She had always been his Achilles' heel, and now, with both of them technically unattached, the temptation was almost too much to bear.

Alone together, the air between them crackled with an electric tension that seemed to thicken with each passing moment, impossible to slice through even with the sharpest of knives.

-"Of course, I'll make some for both of us." neslihan replied, her words slightly rushed as she stood up and hurried towards the kitchen.

Every step felt like a race against time, a desperate attempt to escape the overwhelming sensation that threatened to consume her. Three minutes alone with him had left her feeling flushed and flustered, longing for the cool embrace of a refreshing shower to wash away the heat that seemed to emanate from within.

Before she could reach the sanctuary of the kitchen, his voice reached her ears, sending a shiver down her spine.

-"I'm coming too."

The words hung in the air, stealing her breath away for a moment as she silently cursed under her breath. It felt like he was deliberately toying with her, as he often did in the past, fully aware of the powerful effect his presence had on her.

As she entered the kitchen, she busied herself with the task of making coffee, desperately trying to distract herself from the intensity of his gaze boring into her back. She could sense his eyes tracing her every movement, making it nearly impossible to breathe normally.

Meanwhile, Güven leaned casually against the fridge, his gaze fixed on her, a knowing smirk playing at the corners of his lips.

He knew her so well-the way she avoided eye contact when nervous, the telltale signs of her fidgeting with her hair or finding any excuse to avoid facing him directly. It was the classic Neslihan, and he found himself captivated by her every gesture, even in moments of discomfort.

Feeling the weight of the silence pressing down on them in the kitchen, Neslihan resolved to break it, eager to restore a sense of normalcy and ease the tension that hung in the air like a heavy fog.

-"So, what are you going to do about Ozge?"

The question slipped from her lips before she could stop it, and instantly she regretted prying into his personal affairs. It wasn't her place to inquire about his wife; he could handle his own matters.

She chastised herself for her impulsive inquiry, feeling foolish for overstepping her bounds.

Güven, sensing the tremor in her voice, chose to play it cool, masking his true feelings behind a facade of nonchalance.

-"I need to have a discussion with her. Perhaps she has her reasons." he replied, his words dripping with subtle amusement.

Grateful that she couldn't see the smirk playing on his lips, he struggled to maintain a serious demeanor, especially as he noticed her pause in fidgeting with objects-a sign that she was trying her best to contain her emotions.

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