New Armored Avengers

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( It has been two days since Taylor and Arcee brought back the armor that was gifted to her by who Taylor now considers her godmother Pepper Potts.  After that, Taylor and June with Arcee on screen. Kept in touch with concerning the current events on what was going on in  New York. Including Tony's little Illuminatie background. This angered Taylor even more. Where she stated that if Pepper or anyone needed help. That she and her friend Miko would be there.  After that, Team Prime and their human allies found out that Taylor's armor had its own AI named Heather. With Heather's help, Taylor learned more about the capabilities of the armor that the Autobots were working on for her and Miko. Miko even got her own AI named Mara, with Help from  Ratchet and Rafiel. Then the day finally came, were Taylor and Miko would take their armors for a test flight)

( Play this song while reading this part of the chapter)

(Taylor's"  armor: Aura)

(Taylor's"  armor: Aura)

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( Miko's armor: Tera)

" ( Stands on the roof of the Basein her new suit of armor

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" ( Stands on the roof of the Basein her new suit of armor. With  Miko standing next to her in her own suit). You ready this Miko?" Asked Taylor. " Just try and keep up  Taylor, or is it Aruara now?" Said  Miko. " Then let's get to it, Tera. How are we doing Heather, are we clear?" Asked Taylor. " All clear here mam,  systems are all green." Said Heather. " Same goes for here Miko, now let's do this thing." Said Mara.  "OK then, let's have some fun. ( Shoots up into the sky using her feet thrusters and her hand thrusters, with Miko right behind her). This is, AWESOME, WAHOO!" Said Taylor in excitement. " Last one to New York pays for pizza." Said Miko and she flew faster. " Your own Tera." Said Aura as she flew faster in order to catch up to Tera. With both of them going mock 11.

( As Aura and Tera Reached New York. They quickly got to work with protecting the city. Whether it's helping Spiderman against the Sinister Six. Helping  Fury and  Blackwidow take down members of  AIM or even assisting the A-Team with stopping the Wrecking Crew. Tera even  Mocked the Wrecking Crew,  stating that they gave Wreckers a bad name. Before hitting Bulldozer with a hard left huck and a repulsor blast that knocked him out. The two new armored Avengers continued this process for the remainder of the day.  Auara even ran into Pepper's hero persona, Rescue. There the three of them worked together to protect the city, destroy Ironman's Iron Sentinals, visit Jean and the other X-men, and pound some more Aim and Hydra goons into the ground. When more of them tried to attack the city)

" This is so much fun. I can't believe I'm actually enjoying this." Said Aura as she and Tera were helping  Maria Hill Shield agents escort captured  Aim and Hydra goons onto the shield. " This the most fun I've had in a while. I can't wait to see what we do next." Said Tera as Hill looked at them. " Chill Tera,  one thing at a time ok." Said Aura. " Heads up you two. Avengers and Rescue at two o'clock." Said Heather as Aura and Tera looked in that direction to see Ironman and the other Avengers.

( End song here)

" Ok you two, you've had your fun. Now I'm gonna have to ask you to come with us." Said  Ironman. " And why should we? Your stupid Iron Sentinals were wrecking the city and you were nowhere to be found to clean up your mess. So why should we listen to you Anthony Stark?" Said  Aura with a growl. "  Do I know you from somewhere?" Asked Tony as his face plate retracted, while his AI Frieday tried to hack into Aura and  Tera's armors. " No, and you never will. Also, stop trying to use your AI. It's not gonna work. So stay the heck out of our way." Said  Aura as Warmachine landed right behind them. which made Tera turn to him.  Then we'll just have to do this the hard way then." Said Warmachine as he aimed its right Repulser at Aura and Tera. " ( Aims her left repulsor at Warmachine). Try it pal, I'd love to knock you around a couple of times." Said Tera with a grin. " ( Looks over at Hill and Natasha. Before watching Natasha discreetly pull out something from her belt).  Hold up Tony,  why don't we let them go? They've been a good help in keeping the city safe." Said Rescue.

"They're wearing what looks to be different modules of my armor Pepper. I already get enough backlash from villains wanting to steal my tech and my suits. I won't let these get away with slandering my name. " Said Tony as his faceplate collapsed back over his face as he lifted his left arm repulser and aimed it at Aura. Which made Aura lift up her left arm repluser and aim it at him." Slander your name,  Tony it's already slandered enough due to many of your inventions like the Iron Sentinals. Terrorizing the city. She's right about one thing Tony. When those things attacked the city looking for Mutants. They helped destroy them and keep the damage to a minimum. Where were you when those things were causing trouble? You talk about wanting to help make this world a safer place. But you won't even stand by your words,  let them go, Tony." Said Pepper. " I can't do that Pepper, I'm sorry." Said  Tony as he and  Warmachine primed their repulsers. Only for their armor to suddenly short-circuit.

( Play this song  here)

" Till next time Avengers,  Shield,  Rescue. See ya later." Said Aura as she and Tera quickly flew off into the sky. " I want all Shield units to stand down. We'll worry about our new armored heroes on another date. Let's return to base." Said  Hill, as she and her shied soldiers boarded their transports and returned to the Tricerrier. (Contacts Hill). You not even going to try and track them Hill." Said Tony. " As of now, no. They've done a lot of good today and they did it while not causing too much damage. Unlike you Tony, they have been doing more good than you've done in a whole month. " Said Hilla as she ended the call.  " ( Looks at  Natasha as she gets in her hover car).  You put a tracker on them right Natasha?" Asked Tony. " Nope, good bye Tony." Said  Natasha as she flew off in her hover car.

( Meanwhile, back over with Aura and Tera. The two were racing across the sky of  Jasper  Nevada, on their way back to the autobot base. Excited for their next adventure)

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