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WORDS: 2779

1. Role: the Mastermind villain
Name: Kyoko Kurayami

Name meaning: Kyoko means "echo of the mirror" in Japanese, suggesting her desire for power and reflection of her dark ambitions, while Kurayami translates to "darkness," symbolizing her connection to the shadows and her sinister nature.

Birthday: December 12th

Age: 300(Elvians age slowly)

Height: 7'0" (213 cm)

Body type: Tall and imposing, with a slender yet muscular build that radiates strength and power.

Sexuality: Aromantic

Gender: Female

Hair color and style: Long flowing locks of midnight black hair cascading down her back like a waterfall of shadows, with subtle hints of crimson red woven throughout like veins of blood.

Eye color: Glowing amethyst purple, shimmering with a hypnotic allure that draws others into her web of darkness.

Appearance: Kyoko cuts an imposing figure with her tall stature and commanding presence. She dresses in elaborate, regal attire adorned with intricate patterns and symbols of dark magic, exuding an air of power and majesty. Her porcelain skin seems to glow with an otherworldly radiance, and her every movement is filled with a graceful yet menacing grace.

Personality: Kyoko is ruthless, manipulative, and utterly devoid of empathy or compassion. She will stop at nothing to achieve her goals, no matter the cost, using any means necessary to bend others to her will and crush those who oppose her beneath her heel. She is a master of deception and manipulation, able to play mind games and twist the truth to further her own agenda. Despite her outward charm, she is utterly ruthless and will not hesitate to eliminate anyone who stands in her way, using manipulation, murder, and betrayal as tools to further her own agenda.

Flaws: Kyoko's relentless pursuit of power and control often blinds her to the consequences of her actions, leading her to overlook potential threats or vulnerabilities. She also harbors deep-seated insecurities and fears of weakness, driving her to constantly seek validation and affirmation of her own superiority.

Race: Elvian (dark)

Parents race: Kyoko's parents were also Elvian, but she callously murdered them in pursuit of her own selfish ambitions.

Abilities: Kyoko possesses formidable magical abilities, surpassing those of most Elvians. She can manipulate shadows and darkness to her will, bending them to her command with a mere thought. She can also wield powerful spells and curses, conjuring dark storms and unleashing devastating blasts of dark energy upon her enemies. She is also a skilled combatant, proficient in both hand-to-hand combat and swordplay.

Quest: Kyoko's quest is to ascend to godhood, to become a divine being with the power to reshape reality itself. She seeks to amass power, knowledge, and influence, bending the world to her will and ruling over all as its undisputed goddess.

Known as: "The Empress" - a title earned for her mastery over darkness and shadows, as well as her regal and commanding presence, reminiscent of the empress she aspires to become.

2. Role: the tragic lovesick villain
Name: Ren Ichirou

Name meaning: Ren means "lotus" in Japanese, symbolizing purity and enlightenment, while Ichirou means "first son," reflecting his position as the heir to his vampire lineage.

Birthday: August 15th

Age: 200 years old (physically appears to be in his late 20s)

Height: 6'2" (188 cm)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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