side characters

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WORDS: 5071

1. Role: loyal bestfriend

Name: Emi Nakamura

Name meaning: Emi means "beautiful blessing" in Japanese, reflecting her supportive and nurturing nature, while Nakamura signifies "middle village," symbolizing her down-to-earth personality.

Birthday: September 3rd

Age: 16

Height: 6'1(185.42)

Body type: Thick and curvy, with a strong, muscular build from her training as a fighter.

Sexuality: Heterosexual(bi-curious)

Gender: Female

Hair color and style: Waist-length ebony hair, often worn loose with a few braids woven in for practicality during combat.

Eye color: Deep sapphire blue, shimmering with determination and kindness.

Appearance: Emi's appearance is both striking and approachable, with warm mocha skin and a smile that lights up the room. She dresses in comfortable yet practical clothing, favoring earthy tones that complement her natural beauty.

Personality: Emi is fiercely loyal to her friends, especially Kai, whom she sees as a brother figure. She is compassionate and empathetic, always willing to lend a listening ear or a shoulder to cry on. Despite her gentle nature, she possesses a strong sense of justice and will not hesitate to stand up for what she believes in.

Flaws: Emi's unwavering loyalty can sometimes blind her to the faults of those she cares about, leading her to overlook warning signs or make excuses for their behavior. She also struggles with self-doubt at times, particularly when faced with challenges that test her strength or resolve.

Race: Therianthropian and Elvian (unaware of her Elvian heritage)

Parents race: Her father is Therianthropian, and her mother was Elvian.

Abilities: Emi is a skilled hand-to-hand combatant, specializing in close-quarters combat and unarmed techniques. She possesses enhanced strength, speed, and agility thanks to her Therianthropian lineage, making her a formidable fighter despite her young age.

Quest: Emi's quest is to protect and support Kai on his journey to uncover the truth about his past and unlock his true potential. Along the way, she will discover secrets about her own heritage and play a crucial role in the fight against darkness.

Known as: "Sapphire Guardian" - a title earned for her unwavering dedication to protecting her friends and standing up for justice, much like the precious gemstone she's named after.

2. Role: comedy relief side character

Name: Haruka Tancho

Name meaning: Haruka means "faraway" in Japanese, reflecting her tendency to be lost in her own world, while Tancho refers to the Japanese red-crowned crane, symbolizing elegance and grace.

Birthday: July 12th

Age: 18

Height: 5'4" (163 cm)

Body type: Petite and slender, with delicate features and a graceful demeanor.

Sexuality: wlw

Gender: Female

Hair color and style: Silky silver hair cascading down her back in loose waves, with strands reminiscent of feathers.

Eye color: Brilliant emerald green, sparkling with mischief and curiosity.

Appearance: Haruka's appearance is ethereal and enchanting, with porcelain skin and a slender frame that seems to float rather than walk. She wears flowing robes adorned with feather motifs, adding to her avian aesthetic.

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