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"Shit! It started to rain; I have to find shelter as soon as possible before we're soaked." Thinks Sasuke while carrying a passed-out Sakura on his back. They had been ambushed and were split up. Sakura had fainted due to Chakra exhaustion. Running further into the forest to seek out a place to shelter, he knew that by now that they are nearly soaked. "Where will be a place to shelter?!" Speaking of the devil he finds an old stone cave. "That will do for now." Laying the pinkette on the floor, he finds some dried leaves and does the hand signs from his Katōn Jutsu. "When the rain stops, we can begin to search for Kakashi and Naruto, they are probably sheltering too." Looking into the flames deep thoughts he wonders when the rain will stop. A groan from his female teammate alerts him that she's regaining consciousness.

"W-what happened?" questions the now conscious girl while sitting up and rubbing at her eyes. "Sasuke-kun? What happened to Naruto and Kakashi-Sensei?"

"In the fight against the Sound-Ninjas we were separated." He relays the information still looking at the flames. "When the rain stops, we can..." Sasuke abruptly stops speaking to look at Sakura and sees her shaking. "She's shaking" realization dawns upon him on what to do, he gulps and feels his neck heating up. "We are soaked and besides I'm starting to freeze to."

"I understand... We just have to wait." Mumbles Sakura while hugging herself to regain heat. The fire helps but the wind that briefly fleets in is cold.

"Sakura!" Grabbing her arm, he pulls her forward to him. She half sits between his legs, her head pushed into his neck with his arms circled around her torso to keep her in place. "Silence, I think I've heard a noise maybe it's those ninjas again." Hushes the dark-haired boy, he didn't hear a noise, but he is too embarrassed to admit that he, voluntary shares body heat with her. After a few minutes, the only sound being the fire cackling the Avenger looks down at the Kunoichi in his arms, a smirk adorned on his face. "Are you cold?"

Snuggling onto his body Sakura graces him with an honest answer. "No, not anymore Sasuke-kun."

"Now rest! We have a long wait coming."




"I hate physical contact, but with her... I kind of liked it."

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