16 | Beyond the Stars

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It had been a week since her mother had awoken. A week of having her mother back was a lifetime of joy for Ilaria. Knowing her mother was there to talk to and laugh with, she had never been more at ease.

As time stretched on, though, Ilaria's fear began to creep into the back of her mind. Where was Lord Kiernan? Was he going to hold up to his end of the deal? As the week dragged on, it was a thought that gnawed at the back of her mind.

Until, on the seventh day, a knock shattered the silence of their home.

"Sofie is getting it," Lady Dahlia's pretentious voice echoed through the halls.

Ilaria sprang to her feet, rushing down the stairs to see who it might be. Visitors were rare nowadays, but there was someone in particular she was hoping for. Maybe today was the day. Hopefully, today was the day.

The door swung open. The maid enquired.

"It's, uhm, tell them it's Isidro Celestino. Here for his wife and daughter."

Cinnamon wafted through the air.

Somewhere behind her, a glass shattered on the floor.

Ilaria stopped at the bottom of the stairs, turning to look down the hall. Standing in the empty hallway with a broken teacup at her feet, her mother stared with her hands over her mouth. Following her mother's gaze, Ilaria froze.

An older man stood in the doorway, his top hat clutched in nervous hands. His kind smile curled his lips, surrounded by a greying beard. Sparkling green eyes fixed on his wife.

But it wasn't her father who made her heart skip a beat or her stomach turn on itself.

As her parents rushed into each other's arms, Ilaria was frozen to the spot as Lord Kiernan's dark, haunting eyes pinned on her.

He bowed his head, gaze never leaving her.

Wordlessly, she descended and approached him.

Lord Kiernan offered her a genuine smile, one that reached his eyes and was softened by adoration. "Lady Ilaria."

She dropped into a hasty curtsy. "Lord Kiernan. I was not—we were not expecting you."

"I personally wanted to ensure Sir Isidro was returned to his home safely."

Heat rushed to her cheeks. "We thank you for that. Sincerely. Perhaps you could stay for tea? As our thank you? We could never repay you."

His eyes danced with delight. "It was a deal. No payment required."

"Then just stay for the tea and good company."

"Lady Ilaria," he said, voice dripping with honey. "Are you trying to persuade me to spend time with your family?"

"I—No! Of course not. It's the courteous thing to do," she rushed over her words, hands flying through the air.

Laughing, Kiernan shook his head. "I will not impose on your family's kindness. I must return to the Spire."

He stepped out of the doorway, hand on the doorknob.

Ilaria followed him, filling the space so he could not shut it. "I believe now."

Kiernan's eyebrows lifted. "Believe what?"

"Soulmates." She licked her lips, not missing the way his eyes darted down to follow the movement. "It all makes sense now. Even my parents."

Hesitating, the lord leaned against the door, staring down at her with new curiosity. "Is that so?"

Ilaria nodded, her heart racing a mile a minute in her chest. "Yes. You opened my eyes to new things, a new reality. I understand we could not be, but I know I do fully believe. I am sorry for not recognizing it sooner...and using the bond we have against you."

The man hummed low in his throat. He considered her, sizing her up slowly. "There is not a thing in this world you could not make me do."

Her heart jumped. What to say? She didn't know what to say! What was she even trying to ask? What did she want?


She wanted him.

Could she even have him?

She wasn't sure, but she was sure damn willing to find out.

"Then marry me."

His eyebrows shot to the sky once more. "Excuse me?"

Ilaria swallowed thickly. "We were already engaged once, fake or not. Marry me."

Kiernan's eyes narrowed. "That's a high ask."

"We are soulmates. You said it yourself. What more can we risk than spending our lives together?"

"What if you're making a mistake?"

"I'm not." For the first time in her life, she knew she wasn't. Ilaria took a step toward him. "I know I'm not."

The Devil of the Spire lifted his chin.

She held her breath.

A warm smile curved his mouth upward. He lifted his bare hand, offering it to her with a low laugh. "Then take my hand, and we'll see where the stars take us."

This was it. This was what she had been wanting. Home.

Ilaria took his hand, and stars beyond opened themselves for her.

            Ilaria took his hand, and stars beyond opened themselves for her

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