Chapter 1

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Unmatchable, Sophie thought, her head pounding. Unmatchable, unmatchable. The world blurred, only light and color, and she grew so dizzy that she slammed into something hard and cold, passing out.

Sophie woke up in a cold sweat. Her hands were clammy. Really? She thought in annoyance. With everything going on, my match status is the least of my worries. It still lingered in the back of her brain, though. Match status meant so much in the Lost Cities. If you were unmatchable, you were set apart from society. No winnowing gala, no dating, no—Ugh! Stop! Sophie threw off her covers and slipped out of bed. I just need to stop freaking out. Needing some fresh air, Sophie walked down the stairs of her house and out the door. The sun was just beginning to rise, tinting the sky gold and pink. Sophie breathed a sigh of relief before walking to her favorite part of Havenfield, Callas' Panakes tree. She leaned against the bark, smelling the sweetness of the blossoms.

When Sophie walked back inside, Edaline and Grady were sitting at the kitchen table, sipping some kind of tea.

"What are you doing up?" Edaline asked, surprised.

"Couldn't sleep," Sophie replied, sliding into an empty seat. "I wanted some fresh air." Edaline's brow crinkled with concern.

"Did you have nightmares?" she inquired. Sophie tapped her fingers absentmindedly, staring at the floor.

"What were they about this time?" Grady raised an eyebrow. Sophie opened her mouth, but she wasn't sure she could speak without choking up.

"The matchmakers," she finally managed.

"Oh, sweetie," Edaline pulled Sophie into a hug, and she finally let tears slip down her face. "Matchmaking is not everything."

"But it's just another way I'm different from everyone else," Sophie sobbed. She wiped her nose.

"Who says I'd let you date anyway?" Grady joked, patting Sophie on the back. "It's going to be okay, I promise." Sophie sniffled, doing her best to rub away her tears with her arm.


"Have some breakfast and go get ready," Edaline said, motioning to Sophie's plate, which she had filled with food.

"Ready?" Sophie raised an eyebrow.

"You're going to Everglen, remember?" Edaline reminded her. Sophie gasped. I completely forgot. As excited as she was to see her friends, a knot tightened in her stomach. They're going to ask me about my matchmaking results. She thought, worried. Brushing her thoughts aside, she sprinted up the stairs to her room, nearly falling multiple times. She threw on a red tunic, leggings, and her boots and ran a brush through her tangled hair before practically leaping back down the stairs.

"That was fast," Grady commented, chuckling.

"Bye, Mom! Bye Dad!" Sophie called as she stuffed the last of her breakfast into her mouth and raced up to the fourth floor so she could light leap to the Vacker home.

When she arrived, Fitz and Biana greeted her.

"Hi, Sophie!" Biana hugged her with a huge grin. "I'm so glad you're here." Sophie returned the smile.

Fitz waved, "Hey." Sophie felt her cheeks go a little bit warm. She followed the siblings inside, where Keefe was sprawled across a couch. He leapt up when he saw her.

"Foster!" he exclaimed, bounding over and flashing his trademark smirk. Sophie smiled at him.

"I have some big news when the others get here!" Biana informed her.

"And she's only gone on about it for... is it five hours now?" Fitz teased. "Anyway, she got her—"

"SHHH!" Biana shushed him angrily. "My surprise!" Fitz rolled his eyes.

"I think you may have similar news," he told Sophie, and her stomach dropped. Biana got her matchmaking list, she realized. And they'll expect me to have mine. Sophie suddenly regretted her large breakfast.

"You okay, Foster?" Keefe inquired, concerned. "I'm getting a heavy wave of emotion from you."

"I'm fine," she assured him, silently cursing his ability as an empath. I just need to act like mine hasn't been mailed yet. That'll work, right? Her train of thought was interrupted by Tam and Linh walking in. Fitz, Biana, and Keefe greeted them, but Sophie barely managed a small wave.

"Linh!" Biana immediately clasped her friend's hands excitedly. "You, Sophie, Marella, and I all have some news we need to share!" Linh blushed.

"Yes," she smiled. Biana squealed, and Sophie tugged out an eyelash. Keefe eyed her, and settled down beside her on the couch. She didn't realize how close he was sitting to her until she turned to face him.

"I have a feeling you're not super excited about the 'news'," he commented quietly. Sophie sighed.

"Do you know what it is?" she asked.

"Fitz told me,"

"Well you're right," Sophie admitted, resting her chin on her hands and staring into space.

"Why?" Keefe questioned. "Isn't it a little exciting?" Sophie tugged out another eyelash. Not for me, she thought bitterly.

"Have you gotten yours?" Keefe smirked.

"Well I was planning to keep it a secret...but Fitz and I may have gotten our lists today too." Sophie suppressed a groan. Well that's just great.

"Aren't you nervous?" she queried.

"Not really, but I've lived here my whole life." Keefe replied. He leaned closer. "You know, no one will judge you for who's on your list."

"But what if I—" Sophie was cut off by Biana's loud shout.

"Dex and Marella are here! Time for the news!" Oh shoot. 

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