Chapter 18

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   The next day, Lilly leaps out of bed to the sound of her screeching alarm. She turns it off and glances at her phone. A smile instantly spreads across her face when she spots a text message from Caden. The text reads: "Good morning, Princess. I hope you slept well last night. Jake and Emmy really want to go skiing today. Are you up for it?"

  She texts back, "Good morning, my Prince Charming. I did and I hope you did as well. Of course! I would love to go skiing! I had so much fun yesterday...other than my panic attack of course."

   Caden replies, "I'm glad, and yeah, I did as well. Sounds great! I'll pick you up in about an hour. Yeah, I understand. Just remember if you get nervous like that again, I'll be right beside you. I promise."

   Lilly smiles. "Thanks, Caden. You're the best."

   "No, you are," he replies with a smiley face emoji.

   Lilly giggles and sends a blushing emoji. Before Caden replies, she adds, "Oh. I forgot to ask. Can Mike and his girlfriend, Ashley come? Mike said that he's been wanting to ski."

   "Sure! That sounds like a great idea! See you in an hour! Love you!" Caden ends the message with a heart emoji.

   Lilly smiles. "Great! See you in an hour! Love you too!" she ends the message with a heart emoji. Then she hurries over to her closet, pulling out a navy blue long-sleeve tunic with icy blue and white sparkles and snowflakes all over it, along with a pair of jeans and her fuzzy winter boots. Once she's dressed, she dashes into her bathroom, combs her hair, fixes her makeup, and styles her hair.

After she's ready, she runs downstairs, where her mom greets her, "Good morning, sweetheart."

Lilly smiles and throws her arms around her. "Good morning, Mama."

Mrs. Andrews smiles. "Where are you off to this morning?"

"Oh, I was just fixing to go invite Mike and Ashley to a ski day with Caden and his family," says Lilly, walking over to Mike.

Mrs. Andrews smiles. "Oh, that sounds like a wonderful idea."

Lilly walks up to Mike and hugs him. "Good morning, big brother."

He hugs her back. "Good morning, little sis."

"Caden invited you and Ashley to come join us and his family for a ski day. Are you up for it?" asks Lilly excitedly.

Mike chuckles at her enthusiasm. "That sounds like fun. Give me a second; I'll call Ashley and ask her."

Lilly nods. "Okay. I'll go get us a pop tart while you do that," she says, walking into the pantry.

A few minutes later, Mike confirms, "Okay, Ashley said that she would love to go. What time do we have to be there?"

"Well, Caden said that he would pick us up in about an hour, but that was twenty minutes ago. So, I guess she should be here in about thirty minutes, or either you can be a good boyfriend and pick her up," replies Lilly with a sly grin.

He slightly smiles. "Ha ha ha. Very funny. Of course, I'll go pick her up. Caden probably won't have room in his car for all of us anyway."

Lilly nods in agreement. "Yeah, you're probably right."

Before no time, Lilly hears a knock at the door. When she opens it, Caden greets her with a big warm hug and a peck on the lips. "Hey, Princess," he smiles and takes her by the hand. "Are you ready to go?"

She smiles. "Oh yeah, I was born ready."

Caden chuckles and leads her over to the passenger seat. "Where's Mike?" he asks, opening the door for her.

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