Chapter 29

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If someone would have told me a few months ago that I would spend my Halloween night sitting, while dressed in a Spider-Man costume, on the bed of a pickup truck under the night sky together with Katie Blake, Henry Torres, Trevor Huxley, Olivia Sutton, Avery King and Mae Chen, while happily eating Happy Meal and playing stupid games like Never Have I Ever and Would You Rather, I would have laughed at their face.

Yet that is exactly what was happening now. And I for sure am happy.

"I don't believe that", Mae lets out while almost choking through laughter. Turns out Trevor really did manage to get the girl, the two officially being a couple now, even matching costumes in their pirate looks.

I don't know when we fell into this group, might be somewhen between arriving at the party then the police showing up because Arthur fired some illegal fireworks in the sky. While he's currently in a police station, the party guests managed to get out, and while most of them hit Sparks, the only club in town, the seven of us settled for McDonald's instead.

"You've never had Fruit Loops?", Katie asks Henry to back Mae up. I'm pulled back to the moment at the sound of her voice, the way she's leaning with her back against me, cuddled in my arms, my lips sunk in her hair. By now everybody here knows Katie and I are a thing, so there was no point in pretending we don't know each other.

Besides, I'd rather face the consequences of everybody knowing than letting her go right now. The way she fits in my arms like we were perfectly designed for each other. The way I can hear her heartbeat on my skin. Her vanilla scent filling up my senses.

I wouldn't change this moment for the world.

"Never", my best friend replies smirking. Henry decided to go for a Cupid costume, a tunic on his body revealing his chest with many kiss marks on it, a wreath on his head, some sandals and a fake bow and arrow.

"But that's unacceptable", Katie continues, looking at him revolted. "Remind me the next time we hang out, we have to go buy some Fruit Loops so you can try them. They are basically my daily breakfast, those things are amazing."

I look at her amused, at how her nose is squinted for getting this heated up about something, the flicker of happiness in her eyes. I can't help the kiss I brush on her cheek. She chuckles, her eyes quickly finding mine as she whispers: "What was that for?"

"Am I not allowed to kiss my girl?", I ask her. I would have said girlfriend, but Katie and I never really talked about it, so I'm quite uncertain where it is we're standing. It's clear I'm hers, and she also gives me hints she wants to be mine, but we never spoke about making it official.

"You sure are", she whispers back, crashing her lips on mine. I instinctively go with my hand behind her neck, pull her even closer to me and close my eyes, freezing this moment on us. Just her and me. Nothing stopping us from being who we want to be.

"Told you he's whipped", I can hear Avery say.

"Vee, he's right there", Olivia whispers back at her.

"Look at how he kisses her", Avery again. "They are like in a Hallmark movie."

"I highly doubt Hallmark movies use tongue", now my best friend interferes.

"We're right here", I mutter, my lips on Katie's, as she's chuckling at our friends.

"I know, Loverboy", Henry again. "Don't mind the audience, you're doing a great job."

"Fuck you", I tell him, yet I simply can't pull away from Katie.

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