Chapter XII || Home

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*Clay's POV*

"What the hell happened back there, Henry?" I ask him, urgency in my voice.

"The suits..." He mumbles as we step into my office. I grab his hand and drag him inside of my office, leaning on the door. I ask him what about the suits, and he looks like he wants to vomit. "The kids...this whole time, the kids were in those suits." Henry rests his hands on my shoulders for support as he leans over. I look down and touch his hand, his skin pale.

"Don't go back there. I'll send policemen-" I grab my phone, and he shakes his head.

Henry grabs my arm to try and stop me, "He's too powerful, no one can handle him unless they have a death wish." The door swings open, revealing Elizabeth on the other side.

"No one can handle him, unless their name is Henry Emily..." Elizabeth smiles, checking her nails as she leans on the door frame. Henry turns around, crossing his arms. "You know he's head over heels for you, dad. Using that to our advantage would be awfully useful." Elizabeth still has that smug smile on her face, and I put the phone down.

I join the conversation, making a little triangle shape with the three of us in my office. "So you're saying Henry seduces William?" I ask, raising an eyebrow, unsure.

"Of course I am! We can lead him somewhere and ki-" Henry puts a hand over her mouth gently, shaking his head.

"In NO WORLD am I seducing William Afton!" Henry looks disgusted that we would even suggest that.

"But it's our only hope to get rid of him! You know that he'll listen to you, he worships you like a god!" Elizabeth speaks, her voice muffled.

Henry untucks his shirt, lifting it to show the scars. He recalls back to our memories that William did that to him, and we shouldn't risk going back. He tucks in his shirt again, making little adjustments to it. We try to convince him again. "I said no! Jesus Christ..." He storms out of the room, and I hear him curse under his breath as he passes by.

"Oops..." Elizabeth scratches her head nervously, turning around to watch Henry angrily stomp up the stairs. "We have to keep trying!" She urges, and I nod in agreement.

I sigh, "Let's give him a little while."

*Henry's POV*

I grab my car keys off of my nightstand, looking around at the room one last time. Looking into the floor mirror, I tug at my shirt uncomfortably. I look dead, I think. I never thought I'd look this bad when I got older... My eyes are a subtle purple, looking blackish without the light. I turn the light off, looking back into the mirror. My eyes go wide, touching my face as my purple eyes glow in the moonlight. I grab my notebook, documenting the new change. It's unsettling, but also quite beautiful, in a way. I force myself to look away from the mirror, walking out the door.

"Where are you going, dad?" Elizabeth comes up behind me, and it hurts to hear her voice; what was once Charlie's voice.

"Home." I say, not daring to turn and look her in the eye.

Elizabeth put a hand on my shoulder, "Home as in New Harmony, or Home as in crime-ridden New Orleans?"

I take a breath in from shock, turning to look at Elizabeth. She takes a step back from me as she glances up to look into my eyes. "How do you..."

"How else would I know, Henry?" She raises her eyebrows, "William, obviously, he obsesses over every single detail about you. Also, the eye color suits's odd to see that they glow."

Elizabeth walks away, leaving me in the darkness of the still and quiet house. I stand still for a moment, the wind blowing harshly onto the house, a couple creaking around the house here and there. I speed walk toward the door, and thankfully enough, I'm not stopped. I need a break. Looking at my surroundings before I hop into the car to make sure I'm safe, I can barely see anything in the darkness of the night. I sit in my car before actually turning it on, the only thing I hear is the wind hitting my car.

I remember leaving Louisiana for the first time, when I left for college, it was horrifying, like stepping out of the box I was kept in for my whole life up until that point; it was when my life truly began. Since the city of New Orleans was full of opportunities, mother and father never saw a reason to leave. I saw college as an escape for me, and as soon as I got into Berkeley, I left and traveled all the way across the country alone. I knew Jen had already settled in Hurricane about 3 years earlier, leaving my siblings and I behind. Young and blind, I met William, which would end up being the biggest mistake of my life. Jen and I, although she is about 5 years older than me, took me to Hurricane, Utah after I was finished with college. William and I started our business and I was eventually able to live on my own without Jen's financial support. I haven't gone back to Louisiana ever since I was 18, and Jen hasn't either. Sometimes, my southern accent still tends to come out when I'm saying certain words, but I've learned to blend in with the rest of the people here, making sure my roots go undetected.

I decide to stop reflecting on the past and ride into the night, driving home.

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