Chapter V || Ashes.

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TW: this chapter describes gore and other disturbing things like that, please be wary while reading this chapter!

*Henry's POV*

"So? What could you possibly want from me? You know I don't have much left to offer." I ask, my voice trembling in fear.

"I need help getting this suit off..." He admits, and I groan.

"William, you do know that if you tear that thing off, you're going to bleed to death, right?" I say, and William walks over to the charred counter. He lifts up a syringe full of remnant.

"This saved me once, and it will save me again. Just do this one thing for me, Henry, dear." He pleads, and I see his eyes inside the costume well up with tears, "I can't live like this."

After a while of hesitation and going back and forth in my mind, I finally agree, telling him to sit down so I can reach. "Don't whine like a baby if it hurts, I'm already doing enough for you as-is." I start down at his hands, surprisingly enough, blood doesn't fly out at me like it did last time.

William tries not to make noise, but I can tell he is struggling to keep calm. I slip off the hands, the only part of his hand actually intact due to there being no spring-locks inside. It feels as if we sit there for hours, me just prying away at the springlocks. I feel as if this is the first time we've had peace in such a long time. I get everything off besides the torso and the head. Quite frankly, I am scared to see the damage done to those parts of his body. I move so I can get the back unclipped. When I finally get it free, I want to vomit at the odor. "God, William..." I gag.

"Please get this rabbit head off of me." He complains, and I oblige. After an hour, I finally pull the head off. A metal plate is lodged into the left side of William's head, but the hair on the right side of his head is still intact. "I can't thank you enough, Henry..." He clasps his hands together as he stands up.

"Uh...yeah, just go put some clothes, alright?" I look away from him, done looking at the scars my own creation made. He agrees, going over to one of the cabinets, pulling out black dress pants and a black velvet robe.

"I want to go home now." I state, and William finishes putting on his clothes, turning around to face me with an evil smile.

"Oh, really? Well, I'm not quite done with you, Henry." William smiles, picking up the syringe on the table.

"Get away from me, William." I say, backing up into a corner.

"Did you really think I'd just let you go?" William asks, smiling wildly. My back hits the walk, and I wince as he inches closer. I beg him to show me some mercy, but the syringe enters my skin. My eyes roll into the back of my head and my world goes black.

*Clay's POV*

I look through all of the photos of Henry I had at my office. Unfortunately, many of them had William in the photographs.

Someone bursts into my office, panting as they try to catch their breath. "We need to go to that address in the letter." Elizabeth says, and I look up. "Whoever it is, they're connected to William. They might be able to help us!"

"It's dangerous, Elizabeth..." I sigh, shaking my head as I roll over to the shelves lining the wall in my swivel chair, putting away the photos. I turn around and she's leaning over my desk, both hands on my table.

"Don't you want to get Henry back? Everyone and their mother knows you love him, Clay. That way you stare at you act so gentle with him... God, you can't make it more obvious!" Elizabeth fumed, and my eyes widen as she leaned in closer toward me. The anger in her eyes is very clear, and I can tell she isn't kidding.

"Yes...but I'm sure we all want him back..right?" I stammered, and Elizabeth backs up a few inches.

"You don't have to hide it from me, Henry already told me like everything. Anyway, we're straying away from the original topic. You should come with me!"Elizabeth pleads, giving me puppy dog eyes.

"The danger..." I repeat, and she leans closer to me again.

"Have you ever thought once that Henry is with the fucking William Afton?! Imagine how much danger he is in right now, we're wasting our time!" Elizabeth snapped, and I take that as my que to get out of my seat and grab my car keys on my desk.

"Okay, okay, we're going." I decided. Elizabeth jumped in the air, excited.


"This address..." Elizabeth begins, trailing off. "It's the old Afton house, it's on the complete other side of Hurricane, almost out of Hurricane completely." Elizabeth adds.

"If this ends up being some joke, we are going straight home, okay?" I reminded her to not get so ahead of herself.

Elizabeth looks nervous, playing with her clothes and her hair. If there really is another Afton alive, I've never heard of them. Honestly, I'm quite nervous, as well, recalling what happened to the rest of the Afton's. William's youngest died after the 'Bite of 83',Elizabeth's soul is stuck in a robot, and William's oldest...I know he had an oldest, but there is no written file on what happened to him... William turned into an old, rotting man in a fursuit, and Mrs. Afton is deceased. I tap on the steering wheel as I pull into the driveway of the house. Painted purple to match the color William is spotted wearing all the time. Elizabeth gets out of the car first, and I do the same. She walks up to the door, her heels clicking on the sidewalk up to the house. To our luck, the door is unlocked and Elizabeth walks in first. I stand at the doorway, and she waves at me to come inside. Hesitantly, I do.

"Where is Henry?" A man's voice rings out, and a man, who looks just like William pops his head out from a hallway. He walks up to us, and I can tell he is judging. "Who are you two? You didn't happen to get my letter, did you?"

"Oh, Micheal!" Elizabeth exclaims, hugging the man.

"Wait- get off of me! Who are you?" He says again, backing away from her.

"It's me, Elizabeth...we need your help." She admits, looking down at the floor. Micheal raises an eyebrow. He also asked us for our help, to find William.

"Well, we know where he is. In fact, he's with Henry right now." I jump into the conversation, and Micheal narrows his eyes at me, but his expression seems to lighten up once he reads my nametag for the Police Department.

"Maybe it's a good thing you two came instead of Henry. He would've had a mental breakdown if I asked him to help me find my father. Where are they?!" He asked, impatiently waiting for an answer.

Elizabeth sighs, "William took him hostage at Freddy's."

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