Chapter 3

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Rocky Johnson's POV

I got to admit, that is one good looking mannequin head I ever seen. I might teach myself how to do hair. But that hair color needs to change. I decided to stop by the hair store to pick up some more shampoo and conditioner for my hair. I love how the conditioner makes my hair soft, and it stays soft too. I picked out the conditioner and shampoo I needed and went to the checkout to pay for the stuff.

" Will that be all today sir?" The cashier said while looking at her phone.

" Yes ma'am." I responded. 

     When her eyes got big, it was when she recognized my voice. She slowly looked away from her phone and when she was fully away from her phone screen, she looked at me with big eyes. I wanted to laugh; I really did but it would've been wrong of me. Okay now she is starting to creep me out with all the starring.

" Um, did anyone tell you that it was rude to stare at a customer like that? Or at anyone at all?" I asked.

     It looked as she was about to burst out. I have a feeling that she was about to scream. so, I grabbed my plug ins and put them in my ear. I always wait until I hear the first yell to turn them on.


I blocked off the noise. After she finally calmed down, I finally took my plug ins out my ear.

" Are you done? Like are you calm now?" I asked her.

" Yes. I am so sorry, it's just that you are my favorite wrestler." She spoke.

I looked on her name tag and it seems her name is Sarah. hmm what a pretty name. 

" You are forgiven. This is not the first time this happened. " I said.

" Oh, I know. I witnessed it in other stores for three years. Oh, that will be $5.69" She said.

     I grabbed the money out my wallet and handed it to her. After I handed her the change, I was heading towards the door. Right before I can reach the door, I heard her say something that made me stop dead in my tracks. 

" Good luck with your breakfast date with my sister."

I walked back slowly to the counter and gave her a questioning look.

" How did you know I was going out with someone? HUH, you are one of those people who be stalking me on phone calls aren't you?" I asked starting to get a little upset. 

     I have had people stalking me on phone calls and in person. Some girls literally watched me shower. AND I HAD NO SHOWER CURTAIN AND MY BATHROOM WINDOW WAS RIGHT THERE. 

" Aren't you going out with someone by the name of Y/n?" She asked. 

" Yes. How did you know?" I asked.

" I am one of her friends. She speaks very highly of you when she was sixteen, and now to be in fact."

" Oh, I see. Okay then, well sorry for yelling. I had so many people stalking me and taking weird pictures of me." I apologized.

" Oh, it's ok. I completely understand. You have a nice rest of your day." She spoke.

" You do the same." I spoke.

     So, I walked out the store and went to my car. Y/n called me yesterday saying she needs a ride. I agreed to give her a lift to the cafe and a lift back home. I seriously need to put cameras around my house and hide cameras on my car. All this stalking is getting out of control these days. Like I can't get no privacy, and someone been T-Ping my house, throwing toilet paper over my house, trees and bushes. You know what. I bet this what happens when people get famous. I better hurry and get to Y/n's house. I don't want to be the cause that we were late on our reservation.

Rocky (Soulman) Johnson x Reader love story (Young Rock)Where stories live. Discover now