"Sydney? Why are you here I thought you went home?" Cas asked surprised when she saw me approach the table. Jake was surprised too, but not in a thrilled way. Matt, well he seemed to be dozing by the way his head was leaning against a wall, poor bloke probably didn't want to be sober around Jake and Cassie, their cringe-ness was nauseating.

"Oh well, I'm afraid of darkness so I came back to get you so you can accompany me home, how about that." I fake laughed sarcastically looking at Cassie gesturing to her with my eyes to get up.

"Call a taxi babes, we're going to one of Jake's friend's house party." She sweetly smiled at me, brushing off my request as she turned to Jake and starting to converse again like I wasn't even there.

"Cassie, I'm serious let's go home, I don't want to walk alone. I'm really sorry about earlier but we will talk about it on our way home, okay?" God, I looked pathetic pleading, Jake definitely thought that at least by the way he was ogling me.

"I'm serious too, get a taxi and be on your way home alright. Or you could come to the party with us and after I'll walk with you."

"How about fuck no!!! We both have drunk already and had a jolly time, it time now to call it quits for the night and chill alright!" I raised my tone at her, hinting that I was not buying that crap.

"How about you chill out Sydney, Cassie's an adult and can do what she pleases." Jake said gritting his teeth at me.

I paused for a second to collect myself because I knew he did not just say that to me. "Respectfully do fuck off, you're not included in this conversation, even if you were your opinion wouldn't be valid." I cursed him out before I could even think.

"What did you just say to me!?" He shouted standing up from his seat.

"I told you to fuck off, because she isn't going to a party with you somewhere in the middle of fuck knows with fuck knows who!" I shouted back at him, looking at him directly in the eyes, absolutely loving how enraged he was becoming by the minute.

"We all need to chill out." Matt calmly said as he woke up. "How about we end it for the night huh, the girls probably need to get their sleep I heard it's really important for their menstrual cycle. I bet your friend is gonna throw another party sooner or later anyways – we all can go then." Well Matt might have been a total dufus but he was a good guy.

"I'm sorry Jake, didn't mean what I said." I lied as I've meant every damn word I said, but I was trying to calm the spirits down. He frowned at me and nodded in acceptance of my apology. "Let's go Cassie." She met my eyes but didn't say anything, she just took a long deep breath in and got up.

"Call me whenever you want Cas." Jake said looking sad.

"I will." She winked at him. Cringe overload.

Silence settled upon me and her once out of the pub. Lately it seemed like silence was the only form of communication that we could handle.

"I'm sorry I left you." I finally broke the awkward silence. And I was truly sorry, what I did was shitty of me.

"It's fine I don't care."

"Right, but I came back for you."

"You came back because you felt awful about it." She replied while harshly kicking a pebble.

"Well, because I care about you."

"Yeah, okay."

This was awkward. I had a lot to say but it wasn't appropriate for it to be said now. "Fancy a fag?" I blurted out

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