You have a girlfriend? <T. A.>

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While out on patrol with Kirishima and FatGum, Tamaki ran into a petty group of drug smugglers. Now initially they weren't suspicious of Tamaki, until they saw FatGum. They wouldn't have even suspected them as criminals but they freaked out. They already thought they knew something they shouldn't have, and they got deadly defensive. Reeoko was patrolling in a nearby alley when she saw the same criminals. There was one in the middle back, closest to her, he was really finicky and he couldn't stand still. He was bouncing back and forth on his feet before he panicked. He pulled out a gun.

Thankfully it was dark enough outside that there were plenty of shadows around. Reeoko could travel through and manipulate shadows in whatever way she wanted too. She knew this was going to end in only one way if she didn't help. "TAMAKI!!" She screamed. It caught the attention of the FatGum, Kirishima and of course the indigo haired cutie. As well as a couple of the criminals. They all knew her as Shadow. The Shadow hero.

"Ree?" He called out. It was now a split second decision. The point of her calling out was to shoo the gunman off. He was the only one who seemed fit in his resolve. "Who is that? Do you know her Amajiki?" FatGum and Kirishima asked at the same time.

Without a second doubt Reeoko teleported in front of Amajiki just as the gunman pulled the trigger. Tamaki freaked out, tried pulling her behind him, but a black void opened in front of them all and the clip of bullets that rang through shot out into the deep nothingness.

"Why would you do that Ree. What. Why." Amajiki was starting to freak out. Reeoko gently put her hands on either wide of his face and rubbed his cheek bones. It was something the couple did to calm each other's anxiety. "I'm ok Tama. You are ok. We all are ok. FatGum and Kirishima are just fine."

With a flash of her hand the whole group was engulfed in the shadow, not being able to move, they were simply in a world of limbo. They could see the world around them but not interact with it. And no one could see them.


"Woah, kid. Who's work study are you?" FatGum asked Reeoko. She smiled but shook her head. "I don't have one. I have my license." She said. Kirishima was in shock that some one like Tamaki found a friend. "I'm just shocked Tamaki has a friend." She smiled and Tama pouted. "Hey, that's so mean." He said. "I'm his girlfriend. We've been dating the last two years." She said rubbing Tamaki's shoulder gently. FatGum looked proud and Kirishima was more blown away.

Reeoko helped the police and put all the criminals in the cars where they were taken away to different jails so they couldn't coordinate any kind of break or attack. They thanked Reeoko but were curious about where all the bullets went.

"Well you see they are almost in another dimension entirely. I can manipulate shadows and because of that I can go in them. It's a sort of limbo." She said as she enveloped all of them in the shadow.

"You can see the world around you but you can't interact with it. You are sort of like a ghost." She said. She walked over to where the bullets traveled into the shadow and kept walking. All the way down the street was a pile of bullet casings. She picked them all and handed them to the cops.

"They wouldn't have affected anything but here they are anyway." She said, the police were in awe at the way that she handled the situation. They had never seen such a young hero be able to handle herself in such a proper way. She was respectful and she didn't allow casualties. She had impeccable crowd control and she knew how to react within the needed time. She worked best under pressure and they would love to see her on the top of the hero charts.

"Reeoko has what it takes to make it." Amajiki said softly. "She will make it to being the number one. If anyone I know will, it's her." He said proudly, even standing up tall and proud. He was so proud of the woman that he was able to call his girlfriend.

"And you will be right up there with me, Suneater." She said happily. She was so proud of him because as shy as he still is, he has come a long way. He blushed bright pink and hunched slightly making Reeoko laugh gently.

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