Training Mistake <T. I.>

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Tenya Iida was a straight laced man. He always followed the rules and he was never one to question authority. Until his girlfriend was training with Bakugo at the demand of Aizawa. She had an elemental quirk, she could control any earthly element. That included fire, but how was she going to match that of Bakugo? She was gentle, and he was the furthest thing from that. She only barely made it into the class, nerfing out Mineta after taking third place in the fighting festival. She beat Iida but only because she made a cloud under him and she placed him out of the ring. She was a gentle soul, but she knew when that would be a point of weakness so she could be ruthless when the time called for it.

“I’m going to kill you.” Bakugo said with a grit to his voice and a glare on his face. “I think you underestimate me, that will be your downfall Bakugo. I’m stronger than you, and I always will be.” She told him back. Her voice was in a range that Iida had never heard before, it scared him a little. But he also knew that she was just trying to make him angry, she would make it a disadvantage for him.

“She isn’t aggressive enough to beat him.” Deku said, leaning over the rail slightly. “That’s why she is provoking him. She is making him more aggressive to make up for her lack of aggression. She is playing the field, she knows what she is doing.” Aizawa said. “But he has been making his anger his strength, how is that going to be better?” Deku asked. “It’s like when Ochako made him attack fast and low to the ground, she is making him blind to her advances. She knows that she isn’t strong enough to beat him with a level head so if she is able to distract him then she stands a chance.” Aizawa said, watching the fight.

Iida walked over and watched as well to help make sure that they wouldn’t hurt themselves too much. Bakugo ran at Makko, using his explosions to propel him forward faster, giving her less time to react. Bakugo didn’t know that it’s exactly what she wanted him to do. He raised his hand but before he was able to blow it up himself, she shot the smallest spark of a fire, and then used her wind to blow her straight up. He looked at her with wide eyes but before he could react he was blown away and landed hard, flat on his back.

The viewing area was in total shock and awe. “How’d she do that? She..moved his own attack?” Deku asked. Aizawa smiled ever so slightly. “She made him attack her with all of his rage. She distracted him, used his anger to her advantage.”  Bakugo got up and glared at Makko. “That’s it brat. Now you’re done.”  Makko braced herself for the blast, but he came at her much faster this time and she wasn’t ready for it. He caught her off guard and then she was the one laying on her back.  His attack didn’t stop there though, he didn’t wait for her to get up. When she opened her eyes he was nearly above her, getting ready to literally blast her deeper into the ground. She threw her hand up and had to yell out a guttural shout at the pure, white hot fire that ripped through her. He was blown sky high and she burned her hand. She used the wind to pick herself up, and she watched for how close Bakugo got to the ground.

When he was close enough, she slowed him down enough that he hit the ground with a gentle thud. He wasn’t too badly burnt, but his school uniform was. She let her burnt hand fall down to her side and held up the other one. She was completely ready for whatever he was going to give her, but he did nothing. Just fell over and passed out. She stood up a little straighter, for a second anyway, before she also passed out. She fell over the other way, and for a moment, they looked like perfect yin and yang.

Iida was the first one down there, he needed to make sure that she was going to be ok. He has never seen her push herself this hard before. “Makko!” he yelled out for her. The rest of the class followed after him but he was leaving them all in the dust. He wasn’t thinking about anything other than getting to her. She needed him, and he was going to be there for her. He wasn’t there for his brother so he was going to be there for her.

She was out stone cold and just laid limp in his arms. He held her close to his chest and gently brushed the hair out of her face. This was the most gentle that class 1-A had ever seen Iida. No one really moved to separate the two of them, seeing as how gentle he was with her really showed that he cared for her more than anyone ever has.

“Iida, recovery girl needs to see her. You need to let her go.” Aizawa said gently. This was the second shock the class had. Now this time it was Aizawa who was being oddly gentle. Iida shook his head softly. “No, please. I can't. She needs me.” He said barely above a whisper. “Iida she needs help, recovery girl isn’t going to hurt her but she needs to see her. You need to let her go. I promise you will be the first person that will see her when she is able.” Aizawa promised. Iida reluctantly let her go.

Recovery girl came and checked over all of her wounds. Her arms were in worse shape than they normally see Deku’s arms. She was brought to one of the beds in the nurse's office and no one was able to see her for the first three days that she was there. Iida never stopped pacing the line of tile in front of the door. He was wearing the color off of the finished tiles and the class was starting to worry about him.

After another day recovery girl said that Iida was able to see her but she was not in good condition. He was in there before anyone could tell him of her condition. Her arms were in clunky casts and she still hadn’t woken up yet. Iida was shocked to say the least but he sat on the edge of her bed anyway.

“Makko, I know you probably can’t hear me but I want you to know that I have been outside the door the whole time. Today they finally let me in, I hope you are recovering ok. Class hasn’t been the same. Even Bakugo is starting to worry about you. He feels bad for making you push yourself that hard, he’s even been nicer to Midoryia. Please wake up soon. I miss you so much.”

He was too far absorbed into you that he didn’t notice the rest of the class had walked in and watched him be with you. Bakugo pushed his way to the front and watched, tears streaming down his cheeks. He had done this to both of them. Makko was in serious condition and Iida was an emotional wreck. Momo had taken over class rep duties since Iida couldn’t focus on them. He had been trying but everyone knew he wasn’t in it right now. He was focused on her. On Makko.

“I’m sorry.” Bakugo said, fists clenched in tight balls at his sides. He was looking down, letting the tears hit the ground. And for once he didn’t bother wiping them away.

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