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Lily woke up to the sound of her brother Ryan shaking her gently. Sunlight directly fell on her face as Ryan removed the curtains, spreading sunlight all over her room.

"Come on, Lily, we're going to be late," Ryan said. This little girl has no maturity at all. It became her routine.

Pov - Ryan:

Yeah, it's my sister Lily, a little immature but sweet only with those who are nice to her. Yes, anger is always on her head. However, she tries to show she is strong but is a little sensitive. But sometimes, it seems like I am her younger brother because in college, everyone is afraid of her anger, especially when it comes to me or her friends. She's just uncontrollable.

"Brother!"Lily said,

Pov -Author

(Rubbing sleep from her eyes, Lily sat up and stretched her body. She couldn't come out of her dream, where she and her childhood friend Evrin were having a beautiful date. Ever since they were kids, Lily had secret feelings for Evrin, but she had never found the courage to confess.)

"What's wrong, bro? Why do you always disturb my beautiful dream?"

"I know, I know, you always dream about that Evrin whom we haven't met in years, right? Now just get up before Mom comes up to wake you up." Ryan said

"Yeah! It was about Evrin, but you know we were best friends or more than that. I know about you too, Ruby, right?"Lily asked

"Just shut up and get ready. Today is your very important lecture, right, and Mom and Dad are waiting for us too. So hurry up."Ryan said.

"OK, OK, just 10 minutes."Lily answered .

(Downstairs, their parents were already waiting for them to come down for breakfast.)

"Son, where is Lily?" father asked.

"Dad, she'll be here in 10 minutes." Ryan said.

Father said to mom "OK, darling, today my new client will be there for a meeting, so I will come home late today."

"OK, hubby, all the best."mom answered

"Yes, Dad, all the best. By the way, are they the clients you were talking about the day before yesterday?"Ryan asked.

'Yes, son.'said father

(After that, Lily got dressed exactly in 10 minutes and sat on her seat, her mind still thinking of Evrin and the date they had in her dream.As she sat down for breakfast, Ryan couldn't help but notice the zoned look on Lily's face. He knew all too well about her feelings for Evrin. And he had his own secret crush on Ruby, Evrin's sister. But like Lily, he kept his feelings hidden, afraid of destroying their friendship.)

(After breakfast, Lily and Ryan gathered their belongings and said goodbye to their parents.)

"Bye, Mom, Dad."said Lily and Ryan.

"Bye, don't be late today. Come home as soon as college ends."said mom.

"OK, Mom."Ryan answered

Pov - Parents:

"Hubby, I am still worried about Lily. She's always in her own dream, and even though she came here, today she is still connected to our old house in London."said mom

"Don't worry, darling, Ryan will always support his sister. And in the case of our old house, I am trying my best to get it back and bring back the happiness of my kids, and it all depends on today's meeting. Hopefully, everything goes well."Father answered

"It will, hubby." said mom.

(In college)


"Are you ready for today's class?"

"Yeah, let's go. We are getting late."

(After saying goodbye to Ryan, Lily left for her class.)

Pov - Ryan:
"As I was full of thoughts about Ruby, someone placed their hand on my shoulder. I knew who it was."

"Yo! Bro, what's happening? Don't tell me you are again thinking about the topic which you change every time I ask," (Calix said in one go.)

Pov -Ryan:

Yes, it's Calix, my one and only friend after Ervin and Ruby. He knows about everything in my life, but about my feelings, I never told anything to anyone. Lily also knows because it's my face that can never hide anything from her.

"Take a breath and relax."Ryan said.

"I will, but can you please tell me about it?calix said
You always just change the topic whenever I ask. Am I not important to you? Do you not consider me as your friend?" (said overdramatically.)

"OK, OK, enough. Let's go. Today, I will tell you about it, but first, let's go to the cafeteria." said Ryan.

"See, even God wants you to tell the whole truth about your past today."( Calix said jokingly)

"Enough! What truth? It's just about someone we were very close to."Ryan said (in fastration)

"We?"calix asked

"Yes, it's about Ervin and his sister Ruby."Ryan tells

"Ervin, whose name I always hear from Lily's mouth, and his sister, yes, I know about her too. As far as I know, Ruby, right? Ervin's sister, best friend of Lily, right?"calix asked (in confusion).

"Yes, not only best friends, more than that. They were like real sisters. She used to love her more than me."Ryan said.

"Huh, not possible, more than you? Really?"calix exclaimed in amaze.

"Yes, it's true, Calix."Ryan answered.

"But how is it connected to you? Tell me." Calix asked

"Hmm, (with a little smile), you always wanted to know about the girl to whom I said I belong." Ryan asked

"Don't tell me it's Ruby."asked in amaze.

(With a proud smile)," 'It's her.'"

"Tell me what's happening, I am confused," exclaimed Calix.

"There is much you don't know calix" said Ryan.

To be continued 🤗


Hope you enjoyed this chapter
Don't worry next part coming soon.
Just wait cuties. 🥰

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