Chapter 4: Exploding emotions

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We started walking. Probably the most exhausting and painful hike ever. It lasted more than two weeks, and we were on the edge of giving up. Jinx was cold, and I was starving. We had found some old houses along the way, and broken into some homes for food. But now we were on completely empty stomachs, and we were so exhausted.

  “Can’t we stop for an hour…?” I asked, out of breath. 

  “No”, Jinx mumbled. “We have to keep walking…” He pulled me up from the ground and dragged me with him, holding my arm. I looked down at my sore feet and gritted my teeth. Jinx was shivering, and my stomach was growling really loud now. I felt lightheaded and out of breath, but he kept pulling me.

  “Can’t we just-”

  “No”, he responded immediately.

  “But I-”



  “No! Ethan, look…” He turned to me and grabbed my shoulders. “If we stop, they will find us. We will get infected and die out here. I know where we are, so we’ll be fine if we keep walking. Okay? Just another mile.” I frowned at him and started walking again. He walked behind me, and I could hear his heavy breathing above me. I tried to ignore him, but it was hard. He just kept reminding me of Edward…

After another hour of walking and complaining, Jinx finally pulled me in between the trees. I didn’t even question it, since I was too exhausted to think straight. I looked up at his face and saw that he was smiling.

  “What’s going on…?” I grunted quietly. I looked down from his face, and immediately stood up properly again. A whole town. Grey and dull, but still. People. Everywhere. Horses, buildings, markets. Jinx’s face brightened up even more, and I smiled a little.

  “Let’s grab some food”, he smiled. 

  “And shoes…”

We quickly walked in on the streets. It looked like a small, fancy town. Women in dresses, men in suits. Jinx pointed at a market, and I nodded. People stared at us, since I was bare footed, and he was really dirty, but we didn’t care. He pulled me up to a stand with bread, and a long-bearded old man smiled at us.

  “Hello”, he said, in a very light voice.

  “Hi”, Jinx almost gasped. “How much for some bread?” He started going through his pockets, while I did too. The man thought for a second, then looked us up and down.

  “You two boys are really skinny”, he exclaimed. “Here, take this.” He handed Jinx a whole loaf and smiled.

  “H-how much?” Jinx asked again. “I don’t think I can afford a whole loaf…”

  “Don’t pay me”, the man smiled. “I’m sure you two boys are good ones. Take this, I'll be happy if you do so.” Jinx smiled a little and accepted the loaf. I smiled too and bowed a little. The man laughed a little and smiled even more.

  “Thank you, kind sir”, Jinx smiled. “May God bless you…”

  “Oh, no need to bless me”, the man smiled. “See you two boys around!” Jinx nodded and put the loaf in his bag. I waved at the kind man as we walked over to another stall. Most of the people didn’t give us things for free, but we managed to get some stuff. Jinx got us some water and fruits, while I got us a coat each. We met up again in an empty alleyway, sitting down in the corner. I handed him a coat, and put the other one over my shoulders. Jinx brought out the food and handed me an apple.

  “Thanks”, I mumbled. He nodded and put his coat on, sinking down in the corner. It smelled like garbage, but at least it protected us from the wind and people. I took a bite of the apple, and my stomach turned upside down. Jinx ripped off some pieces from the loaf and munched on them slowly, seemingly thinking of something.

Beloved ApocalypseNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ