Chapter 28: I'm Pregnant

Start from the beginning

"Come sit down with me," Kerrianne tells Peter, grabbing his hand as they walk to the living room. The portrait that once stood of her and her parents was now replaced with her, Roman, and Nadia as Nadia looked up at her with a smile.

"Nice Portrait. Who's the baby?" Peter looked around.

"Letha's. Olivia stole Letha's baby after she birth to it." Kerrianne says as she takes off a top on her table to show a remedy Mildred made for her in cigarette form. She lit it, taking a puff.

"You've been taking care of Letha's baby," Peter whispers sadly.

Kerrianne blew smoke in his face.

"Not her baby anymore. She knows me now of her mother. "Kerrianne's protectiveness was now showing.

"Kerrianne." Peter groans.

"Sadly, she's gone but I will now protect Nadia," Kerrianne says as smoke comes out her nose. Her form relaxing.

"Can I meet her?" Peter asked.

"You have to deal with your business first," Kerrianne told him. She grabbed her purse, looking for her checkbook.

"I give you this once Lynda is released. You and her never come back to Hemlock Grove." Kerrianne handed out the check moving it as he tried to grab it.

"I mean never," Kerrianne says as Peter slowly nods as he takes the check.

"Good Luck Rumanneck." Kerrianne said as he left.

Kerrianne released another puff of smoke as Roman came down the steps, surprisingly with Nadia.

"There's my baby." Kerrianne gushed grabbing her planting soft kisses on her cheek making her giggle.

"You gave him the money didn't you," Roman asked her.

"Yep, and after he has his mother. We will never see him again." Kerrianne bounced Nadia as she laid her head on her shoulder.

"He hurt us. With Letha. With leaving and you give him what he wants." Roman grunts.

"Rome. Look at me. Oh, he's still gonna grovel at my feet for that but right now we need to have class. Something tells me he'll be back. Now come. Let's start getting ready for bed. Smashing the bud, She and Roman walked upstairs with Nadia. That night as they cuddled, she was plagued with the same dreams as her wolf.

The visions were interrupted by her appearing in front of a white castle. She wore a white ball gown. She walked in to see Anya standing in front of the throne room.

"Anya, thank goodness." Kerrianne ran to her, holding her dress so she wouldn't trip.

"Kerri, come." Anya's accented voice told her. She opened to doors to show many Bunny Queens waiting.

"Ladies, she's here," Anya says.

"Thank goodness." Mildred ran over to Kerrianne.

"Babe, why did you leave me here?" Mildred exaggerated as the Bunny Queens rolled their eyes at their fellow sister.

"Mildred get off of her. Remember the thing." Marie's accented voice says.

Mildred remembered back up as Kerrianne had a look of Confusion.

"What?" Kerrianne questioned as she stared at Mildred.

"We know why you came to see us sister," Lazeryn says walking close to their vessel.

"You have produced fruit. A new bloodline of species." Agatha tells her.

Anya waved the spell of her body, showing her 6-month stomach. Kerrianne looked down to see and feel her babies.

"The first three of their kind conceive the night of the storm," Unica spoke.

Kerrianne smiled as she remembered that night. She put her hand on her stomach feeling their little kicks.

"Triplets?" Kerrianne asked.

"Upir/Lagamorph. The first of their kind." Anya says.

"I can't believe it!" Kerrianne smiled.

"We are sorry for not telling you. In the 6 months, you and Roman have accomplished so much. Adding the babies to the mix." Abigail apologized.

"I understand, just don't do it anymore. "Kerrianne forgives her sisters.

"Start breastfeeding. You have another baby to feed." Unica said.

"Nadia knew," Kerrianne stated.

"Yes, she did." Mildred smiled.

"Okay, I can't believe I'm pregnant," Kerrianne says as she rubs her stomach as her sisters watch around her.

(1,154 words)


And this concludes ep 1. I hope you all like it. If there are any mistakes let me know or anything to change it. Happy Sunday everyone! I hope your week start off perfect as you are. Make sure to share, comment, vote. 


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