"thank you, mr. clarke, i dont get that often." she smiled softly, looking back at lydia who walked around the counter. before dominique could react, her face was met with lydia's at quite a close proximity as she inspected dominique's eyes. 

"i had thought that too! they really are quite stunning, darling." lydia smiled, backing up out of dominique's personal space and walking back behind the table, turning on the kettle and fixing herself a pot of tea as jack sat down at the counter, picking up a newspaper and reading it while sipping his coffee. 

"have you ever tried modeling, dominque, darling?" lydia questioned, her eyes looking back over to see dominique's even more flustered face, if that was possible. just as she had parted her lips to stutter out a response, aiden came barreling down the stairs with benny following, just significantly less enthusiastically. 

"thats enough, mom!" aiden interrupted, laughing nervously and gliding his hands into dominique's and squeezing softly, as if to apologise for leaving her down here by herself for so long. ben had also come up behind dominique, placing his head on her shoulder and yawning silently, obviously tired from school. 

somehow, after some last minute planning and organisation, dominique found herself outside ashlyn banner's house. dominique wasn't even sure she could remember how she had got here. she vaguely remembered that after hanging out with ben and aiden for about an hour, aiden had come downstairs again, dragging benny and dom by their arms as they stumbled, trying to keep up his erratic pace.

dominique was holding a tray of baked cupcakes that she had helped lydia prepare in the rush of organizing ben, aiden and jack out the door in time for the lunch to actually happen. 

dominique was 90% sure the banners didnt even know they were showing up. 

but dominique knew it was easier to beg for forgiveness then ask for permission. aiden made his way to the door before the rest of his family and dominique, knocking erratically with an eager smile on his face. 

he picked up his phone, sending a quick text to someone as he let a smug smile form on his face. dominique and the clarke family made their way to the door, waiting patiently behind aiden as they heard quite commotion stir up from inside the house. dom was pretty sure she heard both ash and her parents mumbling things before ashlyn's father opened the door with a confused smile on his face. 

𝐍𝐎 𝐑𝐎𝐋𝐄 𝐌𝐎𝐃𝐄𝐋𝐒, ꜱʙɢNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ