Start from the beginning

"I'm calling my man" I rolled my eyes grabbed my phone and face timing  Nasar who answered on the second ring

"What's good baby mama?" He answered while driving

"Hey, im hungry and your children are causing me hell" I spoke with a pout

"Awee poor baby, what you want to eat?" he asked putting the phone down on his lap

"Ouu baby I want some wings and fries from American Deli"

"And baby can you stop to get me some watermelon please?" I added putting on a big smile

"That doesn't even go together, that's just fat" I heard Trey's ugly ass

"Trey mind your dam business" I mugged

"Not my fault you big as fuck" he put his face in the camera

"Aye watch what you say about  my baby before I have your ass walking home" Nasar spoke before I can

"Exactly baby" I nodded

"Yall need to leave my man alone" Yuri spoke taking her attention off the TV

"Girl your man came at me, saying I'm fat "

"Oh go ahead and continue," she said going back to watching TV

"Baby is that all you want?" He asked I nodded

"Yeah, how long are you going to take?"

"About 20 minutes," he said looking down at the phone

"Alight be safe," I said blowing him a kiss he looked over at Trey to see if he was not looking before blowing me a kiss and hanging up quickly causing me to laugh


"BABY" I heard Trey loud ass causing me to roll my eyes I was in Yuri's kitchen washing the dishes she had out

"Hey bookie" Yuri smiled he leaned in giving her a kiss I looked up seeing Nasar walking toward me on his phone with my food in his hand I put a big smile on his face

"Why you got my baby washing your dishes?" He asked Yuri as I placed the last dish in the dishwasher

"She insisted I told her no," Yuri said looking at the TV

"Hey baby" he placed the food on the counter pulling me into a hug and cupping my ass

"Hey papa" I smiled he leaned down placing kisses on my lips

"I missed you"

"I missed you more" I hugged him as we rocked side to side

"Hmm feed my kids," he said handing me my food I smiled

"Thank you" I broke the hug with a smile opening my food seeing the wrong order causing tears to instantly hit my eyes I looked up at him he just stared at me

𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐒.Where stories live. Discover now