There's No Us

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I'm laying in my bed talking to my plushie exeo and thinking of what happened yesterday

"gosh does he like me?? He keeps giving me mixed signals ARGHHHH"

I said as I rolled around my bed

"but wait he doesn't have a gf right? Or he has one? If he does then I'm screwed! I can't possibly have a crush on someone who is in a relationship! BUTTTT if he doesn't have one I might as well you know????"
"You know exeo you're my one and only true friend here so if you ever get lost I will search every inch of the earth for you!" I said as I hugged my plushie tightly

I received a text and it's an unknown number?

|hi aria, this is exeo|

it's him!

|hi exeo, what are you up to?|

|nothing to be honest since I'm on a day off today|

|really? Then do you want to hang out?|

*Am I really doing this? gosh*

|sure why not, where do you wanna go? |

|I don't know, you choose|

|I heard theres a new Cafe near your house do you wanna perhaps go there? |

|sure I'll get ready|

I chatted then turned off my phone and quickly got ready

-a few minutes later-

I'm done getting ready so I got my phone and chatted him but then I saw his messages.

|aria I'll cancel the plan I have something urgent that just came up. I'm sorry maybe next time? |

My jaw dropped cause I was shock. I was already ready but I guess things just Dont turn out as you think it will.

|yeah sure next time|

|thankyou aria, I'm really sorry for the sudden change of plans|

|no it's fine|

"I'm such a dumbas* I shouldn't have given too much expectation.  I'm not his top priority afterall so I better get my shit together"

I said to myself but I can't contain myself from crying. I was hurt for the very first time again. It was painful, it not like the other pain I have felt before. Even more hurtful than how my family treats me.

I went asleep to forget about it cause I don't have the right to be upset we're just friends after all.

-A few hours later-

I got up from my bed and just stared at a blank space. I felt nothing when I woke up but the emotions started to catch up to me one by one.

"maybe i just need some comfort food right exeo?" I asked my plushie "yeah let's go" I said and brought my exeo with me

We went to the store where exeolin works
*I wish he isn't there*
I said to myself as I got in

I got some chocolate and ice cream since those are my  comfort food. I went to the cashier and there i saw him.

It was exeolin but he's not in the cashier he was with someone and that someone is a girl.

My jaw dropped and I just froze In place. I felt my heart break as I saw them holding each other's hand.

I'm such a fool for ever thinking he likes me. I was wrong in all ways and Im so dumb for falling for him.

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