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There she was standing in her black outfit even though her face was covered with a mask her brown eyes  and powerful aura was enough to get mesmerized by her beauty..

( all the bodyguards of Sandra pointed there guns towards her but she walked there with confidence as she owns that place )

Sandra - now who tf are you.. and how did you entered this place ?

??- hmm so someone looks so desperate to know who I am .. ( she took a pause and went near Sandra ) maybe your death..

Sandra - stop talking nonsense you bitch and get lost from here if you love your pathetic life.. GET LOST .. ( she said raising her voice )

??- calm down sweetheart.. why are you raising your blood pressure the game hasn't even started yet..

Sandra - tell me who tf are you.. or on my one order my mens will dig your grave here..

( meanwhile jungkook and other members were also looking at the girl trying to figure out who she is and how's she so confident when her life is at the point of gun.. they have never seen her before )

?? - I'm the person you were looking for so desperately.. ( she said looking deeply in Sandra's eyes as she could see her soul with her beautiful brown eyes.. that's when Sandra realise who she actually is her hands started to shake lightly just by knowing who's standing infront of her .. )

Sandra - q.queen.. ( those words came out as whisper from her mouth but jungkook and she heard Sandra's words )

??- yes sweetheart.. you were so desperate to meet lilith right so I thought to visit you myself..

( everyone's eyes widen when they got to know that the mafia queen herself is standing infront of them that was the first time she appeared infront of them no one has ever seen her before but her name is enough to make people shiver)
Trying to cover up her fear after mustering some courage Sandra said ..

Sandra - oh what a good day it is finally I can kill both of my rivals at once.. and then nightshade will rule the mafia world.. ( looking at her mens she ordered them to shoot her )

Lilith - do you think you can kill my love until I'm alive.. ? Mafia king's place belongs to jungkook and it'll always be his.. don't dream so high for your nightshade.. you and your brother can never even get close to bulletproof and black hearts let alone to rule over us .. you can't ever take our positions..

Her confidence and words made Sandra's blood boil .. she was fuming with anger ..

Sandra - ENOUGH .. now you're getting on my nerves.. SHOOT HER NOW !! ( she said ordering her mens ) ( the guards unlocked the clutch of the gun and aimed at lilith )

Lilith- the real game begins now ..

( saying this she smirked and snapped her fingers multiple times.. and in a blink gunshots were heard all around the basement all the mens of Sandra were shot in there head by lilith's men and whole place was surrounded by hundreds of mens of lilith.. and lilith's secretary entered the basment with more mens and all stood behind lilith after bowing her .. Sandra's eyes widened seeing all this.. it all happened so fast that she wasn't able to process anything )

Lilith- so what were you saying you want to kill us right ? ( she said in a mocking tone )

Seeing this all Sandra became more furious and shooted in lilith's direction but she doged it and kicked in her hand making the gun fall from her hand at some distance )

Sandra - I WILL KILL YOU !! ( she said shouting at lilith )

Lilith - we'll see that.. ( saying this lilith twisted her right arm and started punching her till her body was completely bruised and her lifeless body was lying on the ground  )

Meanwhile lilith's secretary helped jimin, taehyung and Selena to get out of the grip of rope and her mens helped jungkook mens to get free ..

Lilith- try to put your eyes on my love and next time I'll bury you 3 feet under the ground ( saying this she gave last punch to Sandra and she collapsed on floor )

That's when lilith stood straight and went towards jungkook to free him who was continously staring at her since she entered the basement..

Lilith- are you fine ? ( she asked while freeing him from all the ropes )

Jungkook nodded in response - why did you helped me ? And how did you got to know that we are here ?

Lilith just stared at jungkook..

Lilith- how could I leave you in danger my love ? ( saying this she chucked slightly ) I'm always there by your side..Black hearts gang will always be there for bulletproof gang .. ( saying this she came closer to him there faces were just inches apart ) you can't see me but my eyes are always on you jeon jungkook ( she whispered sweetly in his ears and backed off looking at others )

Jimin- so finally we got to see the mafia queen of south korea .. but why have you put a mask on your face.. aren't you going to show your face to us ?

( Lilith shaked her head as a no )

Lilith- it's not the right time'll get to see my face soon don't worry .. now it's time for me to go.. take care all of you from next time .. and beside that Lilith is always with you..
( all of them nodded there head in unison )

Selena - thanks for the help queen .. ( she said with a small smile on her face )

Lilith nodded her head.. ( then she looked in jungkook's direction there eyes met and jungkook felt a very strong unknown emotion looking at her which can't be expressed in words )

Lilith- take care love .. we will meet again soon ( saying this she winked at him and left from there )

*end of flashback*

WAR OF LOVE ~JJK ( S1 ) Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu